- One's not often got two bites at a cherry in the world of business. 在商界, 机会一去难再来。
- One is not often given two bites at the cherry in the world of business. 在商界中,机不可失,时不再来。
- He has many friends in the world of art. 他在艺术界有很多朋友。
- Chris's strong language skills should serve him well in the world of business. 克里斯优异的语言能力应该可以让他在商界很吃得开。
- Nellie thinks the world of her husband and would do anything to please him. 内莉很崇拜她的丈夫,因而尽力去取悦于他。
- If you want to advance in the world of business,you have to know how to sell yourself to the customers. 如果你想在商界发展,你必须学会怎样向顾客推销自己。
- If you want to advance in the world of business, you have to know how to sell yourself to the customers. 如果你想在商界发展,你必须学会怎样向顾客推销自己。
- In the world of business, employer is just a boss, not an emperor, employee is just a staff, not a courtier. 在商场的世界里,老板只是上司,不是皇帝。员工是雇员,不是臣子。你付我钱,我给你打工。仅此而已!
- Welcome to CITS American Express Online , your portal to the world of business travel. 欢迎使用国旅运通在线解决方案,你去往世界各地差旅的正门。
- That are inexorably shaping the world of tomorrow. 这将无情地影响明日的世界。
- Welcome to the world of JK Rowling! 欢迎来到罗琳世界!
- What is the UN doing to rid the world of landmines? 为在世界各地清除地雷,联合国在做些什么?
- In the world of business and marketing, a stale and unattractive blog could cost you money.Writer Liz Fulghum has dealt with this problem first-hand, and she is here to help. 因为大家还没有意识到,企业记事即是潜在的企业背景 - 是企业内涵与信息传达的基石。
- What will the world of tooth care look like then? 那么,到那时牙齿保健领域会是一派什么景象呢?
- John made his way rapidly in the world of finance. 约翰在金融界很快成功了。
- The world of delusion originates within the mind. 妄想的世界源自里面的心。
- He really thinks the world of you. 他真的很看重你。
- The world of pure reason knows no compromise. 纯粹理性的世界里则不知何谓妥协。
- The Recording Angel responsible for the world of letters still doubtless raises an eyebrow at the curious company some good writing keeps. 负责记录文学界事务的天使对于那些与某些好作品相伴而生的稀奇古怪难以理解的东西仍无疑感到惊奇。
- A change of job would do you the world of good. 换一下工作会对你大有好处。