- Water and electricity utility price follows the price set by the Xing Hua City. 水、电价按照兴化市物价部门规定的价格执行。
- The higher the price set by Cartel, the greater will be the incentives for Cartel members to cheat and raise their own output. 卡特尔定的价格越高,就会越发强烈地刺激卡特尔成员国作弊和增加产出。
- Since the products will be sold in our country,the price should be set by us. 既然在我国市场经营,价格应该由我方来定。
- It is also busy privatizing, thereby freeing from official control prices set at present by state firms. 越南的私有化也在如火如荼的进行,这有助于解除目前由国有企业制定官方控制价格的状况。
- Since the products will be sold in our country, the price should be set by us. 既然在我国市场经营,价格应该由我方来定。
- Intervention price The minimum price set by an agency at which a producer is guaranteed to sell his product. 干预价格由某一机构确定的保证生产者能够卖出其产品的最低价格。
- Intervention price: The minimum price set by an agency at which a producer is guaranteed to sell his product. 干预价格:由某一机构确定的保证生产者能够卖出其产品的最低价格。
- We can not guarantee to keep within the price limit set by you and must ask you for a little latitude in this respect. 本公司无法保证将价格维持在贵方所开的限价之内,请贵方在这方面稍事宽容。
- The French paper was set by our form teacher. 法语试卷是我们的班主任出的。
- The cast must all be on (the) set by 7 pm. 所有演员必须在下午7时到达拍摄场地。
- Furthermore, we propose the price setting algorithms of demand sensitive model. 进而提出了基于需求敏惑模型的价格设定算法。
- The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products. 公司冒险将产品削价出售。
- She peered at the tag to read the price. 她细看标签以看清价格。
- I got involved in a quarrel about the price. 我被卷入了一场有关价格的争吵。
- The draft stated the prices of plastic bags could be set by shop owners themselves, but they should not be below cost. 在起草的法规里;规定了塑料袋的价格可以由销售塑料袋的商店自行来定价;但是不可以以低于成本价的价格出售.
- The price list will be made out by evening, will not it? 价格单要到晚上才能制定好,是吧?
- The young man looked askance at the price. 那个年青人对那个价目侧目而视。
- The prices of such indicators shall be set by the pricing authorities under the State Council together with the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council. 代表品的价格由国务院物价主管部门会同国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门制定。
- The price is subject to our confirmation. 所有价格经我们确认后有效。
- The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 自由的代价是永久提高警惕。