- Pig’s Knuckles with Vinegar, but here is in Hakka style.Yap explained that the Hakka style. 老板叶 先生解释说客家式的猪脚醋味道会比较甜,而且他们也用大量的姜来调味。
- Yap explained that the Hakka style Pig’s Knuckles with Vinegar is sweeter than the ordinary Fujian style. 老板叶先生解释说客家式的猪脚醋味道会比较甜,而且他们也用大量的姜来调味。
- The Hakka young women wash family clothes along the river with pleasure and joy, unfortunately, the flood come mercilessly to destroy their lovely homeland. 阿姐相约到河边来洗衫,谁知在嘻笑怒骂之际,遇上无情的大水,水势湍急又急促,一步一步淹没了垦拓的田野
- Patrick Nagel's hard-edge style of 80's women became one of the strongest images in the 20th century. 派特克·纳哥尔的锋刃派风格的80年代妇女成了20世纪最具说明力的形象之一。
- The Hakka DNA code is always there since the first inception some time ago. 假设:多年前已种下了客家血绿基因数秘码(当然当时不叫做客家人)。
- Patrick Nagel's hard-edge style of 80’s women became one of the strongest images in the 20th century. 派特克?纳哥尔的锋刃派风格的80年代妇女成了20世纪最具说明力的形象之一。
- For the first few decades of its history, cheerleading was anall-male activity, but by the 1920's women joined as well. 在啦啦队成立之初,队员通常由男生组成,到了20世纪20年代,女性开始介入。
- In southern Fujian, the Hakka settled in the mountains and created insular homesteads like the covered-wagon circles of America’s pioneers, with rooms facing an open-air common space. 客家人逐渐在福建南部的山区里定居,同时建造了一个个保守孤立的家园,就像美国拓荒者居住的、围成一圈的有盖面包马车一样,房间的方向都是朝着中间的开阔空地的。
- This chapter told the creative mening of Bao Zhao"s women"s material poems and its bad effection on the poems of Qi and Liang Dynasties. 指出鲍照女性题材诗的开创意义及其在齐梁形成的浊流;
- For generations, the Hakka people of the same family clan have lived together within a walled community. 客家人世代保留着家族聚居的传统。
- The Hakka customs, with a pronounced local flavour, maintain the features of the ancient Central Plains culture. 永定客家风情处处展现中原古代风俗文化特色,凝紧着浓厚的乡土气息。
- As a member in the family of the Chinese Nation, the Hakka people cause more and more attention of Chinese and overseas scholars. 摘要作为中华民族大家庭中的一员,客家人越来越受到专家学者的关注,他们的历史、文化、社会、宗教等问题均成为研究对象。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- Finally it finds that the harmony among the Hakka culture and She, Yao Zhuang culture is the base for the progressive society. 最后用客家文化和舍族、瑶族甚至和壮族文化相融合所产生的文化来解释这些现象。
- He rested a curious gaze on the strange woman. 他好奇地盯着那个怪异的女人看。
- Hakka music is the important component of Hakka culture, which embodies the aesthetic pursuit of the Hakka people. 客家音乐是客家文化的重要组成部分,它承载了客家人的审美追求。
- Countless washer women have rubbed the stone away. 无数洗衣者的搓洗将那块石头磨掉了。
- He, Keng-yong. 1993. Study on the Syntax of the Hakka Dialect. Xia Men: Xia Men UP. 何耿镛。1993。《客家方言语法研究》。厦门:厦门大学出版社。
- However, the impacts of Christianity on the Hakka people from the macroscopic angle are not paid more attention. 应该在总结前人研究的基础上,对这一问题进行较为详细的探讨。
- "All about My Mother" is one of Al Moredowa s women s series that lovingly depicts the women s sensitive mental world, displaying successfully the affection and tolerance of womanhood. 它以一种理解和关怀的姿态,细腻温情地刻画了女性敏感的精神世界,成功地展示了女性的爱及爱的宽容。