- He went forth into the desert to pray. 他向前走到沙漠中祈祷。
- Few plants or animals thrive in the desert. 很少植物或动物能在沙漠中很好地生长。
- There are lots of dunes in the desert. 沙漠里有许多沙丘。
- The travellers in the desert felt thirsty. 沙漠中的旅行者感到口干舌燥。
- The desert continued as far as the eye could see. 沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头。
- There were prospecting for oil in the desert. 他们那时正在沙漠中勘探石油。
- The explorers starved to death in the desert. 探险者们在沙漠中饿死了。
- Some of them died of thirst in the desert. 他们中有些人在沙漠中渴死了。
- The desert stretches for thousands of miles. 沙漠连绵数千哩。
- The desert air contains hardly any moisture. 沙漠的空气几乎不含一点湿气。
- The desert stretched away into the distance. 沙漠一直延伸到远方。
- There is still underbrush in the desert. 沙漠中仍有丛林。
- He lost his travelling bag when he crossed the desert. 他在穿越沙漠的时候丢失了他的旅行袋。
- They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst. 他们在沙漠中迷路而渴死了。
- He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert. 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。
- The army is on (ie taking part in) manoeuvres in the desert. 军队正在进行沙漠作战演习。
- We have irrigated the desert area to make it fertile. 我们已经灌溉了荒芜地区使它肥沃。
- The desert climate supports little plant life. 沙漠里的气候使绝大多数植物无法存活。
- They were advancing due west into the desert. 他们向正西方向行进,进入沙漠地带。
- They ventured their lives in exploring the desert. 他们冒了生命危险去沙漠探险。