- tela submucosa tubae uterinae 子宫粘膜下组织, 子宫浆膜下组织
- Results There were capillarylymphatics in deep lamina propria of runica membrane in the wall of rats rectum and there were capillary lymphatics and lymphatics in tela submucosa,and lymph... 结果大鼠直肠壁的黏膜固有层深部可见毛细淋巴管,黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜层均有毛细淋巴管和淋巴管。结论直肠壁各层内均有毛细淋巴管,除黏膜层外,还存有淋巴管。
- The results indicate that the reproductive organs of adu-lt female Wanxi White Geese consisted of the ovarium and tuba uterina,Left ovariumand tuba uterina developed normally,but the right one had degenerated. 结果表明成年皖西白鹅母鹅的生殖器官包括卵巢和输卵管两部分,仅左侧发育正常,右侧早已退化,卵巢大小随鹅的年龄和季节有很大变化;
- tela submucosa vesicae urinariae 膀胱粘膜下组织, 膀胱浆膜下组织
- plicae ampullares tubae uterinae 输卵管壶腹襞
- tunica muscularis tubae uterinae 输卵管肌层
- tunicae subserosa tubae uterinae [医] 输卵管浆膜下层
- ostium abdominale tubae uterinae [医] 输卵管腹腔口
- pars interstialis tubae uterinae 输卵管间隙部
- Tunica muscularis tubae uterinae nerve fiber layer nuclear layer of cerebellum 小脑核层:同
- tela submucosa bronchiorum 支气管粘膜下组织
- Effect of Microelement Selenium on Mucin of Magnum Tubae Uterinae in Adulthood Wan-xi White Goose 微量元素硒对成年皖西白鹅输卵管膨大部粘蛋白的影响
- tela submucosa coli 结肠粘膜下组织, 结肠浆膜下组织
- tela submucosa esophagi 食管粘膜下组织
- tela submucosa gastris 胃粘膜下组织, 胃浆膜下组织
- tela submucosa hepatis 肝浆膜下组织
- A large spiral brass tuba that fits around the player's shoulder. 海力空大号,圈形大号由演奏者掮在其肩上吹奏的大型螺旋状铜号
- tela submucosa intestini tenuis 小肠粘膜下组织, 小肠浆膜下组织
- tela submucosa oesophagi 食管粘膜下组织
- tela submucosa peritonei 腹膜浆膜下组织