- teaching guided with questions 设问导学式教学
- The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the press conference. 新闻发布会上那位发言人遭到了连珠炮般的发问。
- The boy kept vexing his mother with question. 那小孩不停地问他母亲问题。
- I plied him with questions about his novel. 我就他的小说向他提问。
- I am unconcerned with questions of religion or morality. 我对宗教问题和道德问题不感兴趣。
- The reporters peppered her with questions. 记者们接二连三地向她问问题。
- The teacher was besieged with questions from his pupils. 学生提出的问题很多,教师应接不暇。
- The lawyer badgered the witness with questions. 律师以种种问题来困扰证人。
- They plied the lecturer with questions. 他们向讲课者连续不断地提出问题。
- Reporters bombarded the President with questions about his economic policy. 新闻记者提出许多有关经济政策的问题围攻总统。
- Stop badgering your father with questions! 别老拿问题去烦你父亲了!
- The lecturer was bombarded with questions. 演讲者遭到连珠炮般的质问。
- Reporters plied the candidate with questions. 记者们向候选人问个不休。
- The students assailed the speaker with questions. 学生反复质问讲演者。
- The children plied the teacher with questions. 孩子们不断向老师提问题。
- The quack was stormed with questions. 江湖骗子受到了猛烈的质问。
- The boys are pestering the hero with question. 孩子们在不断地向英雄提出问题。
- He was assailed with questions after his lecture. 他讲演完后受到了质问。
- College English Teaching Guided by Pragmatics 语用观念下的大学英语教学
- The policeman pressed him with questions. 警察不断向他提问题。