- Pursuant to the effect of temporary differences on taxable amounts during future periods, they can be classified into taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences. 按照暂时性差异对未来期间应税金额的影响,分为应纳税暂时性差异和可抵扣暂时性差异。
- taxable temporary differences 应纳税暂时性差异
- Except for the deferred income tax liabilities arising from the following transactions, an enterprise shall recognize the deferred income tax liabilities arising from all taxable temporary differences 第十一条除下列交易中产生的递延所得税负债以外,企业应当确认所有应纳税暂时性差异产生的递延所得税负债
- It is likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up the deductible temporary differences. 未来很可能获得用来抵扣可抵扣暂时性差异的应纳税所得额。
- Deferred income tax liabilities refer to the tax effects of temporary differences resulting from pretax financial income in excess of taxable income. 递延所得税负债系指:当暂时性差异系因税前财务所得大于课税所得而发生,其所得税之影响,为递延所得税负债。
- Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. 倘若日后可望有应课税溢利,使暂时差异可予抵扣,则确认递延税项资产。
- The deductible losses, which can be utilised against the future taxable profit in accordance with tax law, are regarded as temporary differences and a deferred tax asset is recognised accordingly. 对于按照税法规定能够于以后年度抵减应纳税所得额的可抵扣亏损,视同暂时性差异确认相应的递延所得税资产。
- The nature of Assets and liabilities has a direct impact on formation of their temporary differences. 摘要资产负债项目的性质对其暂时性差异的形成有着直接的影响。
- Deferred tax asset and liability accounts must be recalculated to reflect changes to the expected tax rates at the time temporary differences will reverse. 在进行递延所得税会计处理时,考虑到时间性差异转回时税率变化的影响,在预期未来所得税税率会发生变化时需要重新估算递延所得税资产和债务。
- Arbitrageurs are individuals who take advantage of any temporary difference in exchange rates across markets to buy low and sell high. “套汇商是利用市场间暂时的汇率差额(或差价)低价买进;高价售出的人.;”
- deductible temporary differences 可抵扣暂时性差异
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- She works in the office as a temporary. 她在办公室做临时雇员。
- The two parties procured a temporary agreement. 双方达成了临时协议。
- He suffered a temporary loss of memory. 他暂时丧失了记忆。
- The two men fought out their differences in court. 那两人诉诸法庭解决他们的争端。
- What percentage of his income is taxable? 他的收入有多少需纳所得税?
- On this question I differ from you in toto. 在这个问题上我跟你的意见完全不同。
- The boss hired some temporary workers. 老板雇佣了一些临时工。
- But their so-called prosperity is only a temporary phenomenon. 但他们所谓的繁荣只是一个暂时的现象。