- There has been a great leap in the number of births in these past five years. 这五年来,出生人数有很大的增长。
- The birth rate is the number of births compared to the number of the people. 出生率是出生数与人口数的比率。
- The rates of growth of births and deaths will depend a number of factors. 增长率、出生率和死亡率都决定于若干因素。
- There has been a great leapin the number of births in these past five years. 这五年来,出生人数有很大的增长。
- The birth rate is the number of births compared to the size of the population. 出牛率是出生人数与人口总数之比。
- No policy restrictions have ever been imposed on the number of births in the agricultural and pastoral areas. 对农、牧民生育子女人数,政策上从未作过任何限制。
- We have already reached our target number of testers and therefore must regrettably close our account creation pages. 我们已经到达我们的测试人数的上限了,因此必须遗憾地关我们的帐户创造页.
- The major reason for the reduction of family size is a reduction in the number of births. 家庭规模缩小的主要原因是生育子女数量的减少。
- As China has a large population,the Chinese government has to limit the number of births of its citizens. 由于中国人口规模大,中国政府必须对公民的生育数量有所限制。
- From 1962 to 1972,the annual number of births in China averaged 26.69 million,totaling 300 million. 从1962年至1972年,中国年平均出生人口2669万,累计出生了3亿。
- The birth rate is the number of births compared to the number of the people of some area in a certain time. 出生率是某一时间某个地方新出生的人数跟人口数的比率。
- As a result, the average number of births has been cut from 5.6 children per woman to 3. 其结果是每个妇女从平均生育5.;6个孩子下降到平均生育3个。
- As China has a large population, the Chinese government has to limit the number of births of its citizens. 由于中国人口规模大,中国政府必须对公民的生育数量有所限制。
- The difference in the number of births between the clomiphene only group and the combined clomiphene-metformin group was not statistically significant. 舒经酚单独治疗组与舒经酚二甲双胍联用组的分娩数量上没有明显的统计学差异。
- The total number of births, birth rate and proportion of births to unmarried women all increased by 3 percent to 5 percent from 2006 to 2007. 2006到2007年间,生育数量,生育率以及生育数对未婚女人的比率都增加了3到5个百分点。
- The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了。
- And the hope is to reach a zero population growth with the total number of births equaling the total number of deaths by the year 2000. 到2000年中国人口有望达到零增长,即人口出生率等于人口死亡率。
- A number of new hats were on parade at the wedding. 在婚礼上见到有些人戴著新式的帽子。
- A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 一些人造卫星现在正环绕地球飞行。
- Figures released by two populous provinces show alarming rises in the number of birth defects, according to Xinhua. 据新华社消息,两个人口大省的有关统计数据显示,新生缺陷儿的数量增长迅速。