- Both sides agreed to carry on the negotiations on a reciprocal basis. 双方同意在对等的条件下进行谈判。
- Most government departments have arranged, on a regular basis, talks on integrity for staff at different levels. 大部份政府部门都有定期为各级人员安排倡廉讲座。
- She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。
- It is very dangerous to talk on a phone while driving. 边开车边讲电话很危险。
- She gave a talk on her visit to China. 她就访华情况发表了非官方的讲话。
- Can you sell for us on a commission basis? 你能拿佣金替我们销售吗?
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- The coach gave a sales talk on exercise in the school assembly. 教练在校方会议上大谈运动的好处。
- Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon? 咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题?
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- I hope very much that he will be able to give a talk on a different subject. 我非常希望他能就另一个不同的课题作个报告。
- The project was launched on a crash basis. 此计划作为最优先项目而付诸实施。
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。
- The team was given a pep talk on the morning of the big match. 运动队在大赛当天早晨听了一次鼓舞士气的讲话。
- These workers are paid on a daily basis. 这些工人领的是日薪。
- Talks on a free-trade deal with the European Union are stalled, awaiting Costa Rica's debate on DR-CAFTA. 与欧盟的自由贸易事务谈判则被延后了,因为要等哥斯达黎加把DR-CAFTA的架吵完。
- Interest accrues on a daily basis. 按日生息。
- Now talks on a new PCA are stymied again, this time because of a veto by Lithuania. 现在签署新PCA协定的谈判又遇到了障碍,这次是由于立陶宛的反对。
- Kimberly and Janet run into Rocco, a pimp talking on a cell phone. 金伯利和珍妮特在奔跑中碰到了罗科,他是一个皮条客,正在讲电话。
- Liverpool full-back Fabio Aurelio is keen to start talks on a new contract at Anfield. 红军后卫发法比奥-奥雷里奥渴望和红军开始新合同的谈判。