- He won't talk straight from the shoulder. 他说话从来不直截了当。
- Please talk straight from the shoulder. 请直言不讳地说吧!
- I want to talk straight from the shoulder-your work is not good enough. 我要坦率地说,你的工作做得不够好。
- I'm glad to hear him talking straight. 我高兴听到他直截了当地说话了。
- She isn't afraid of people. She can talk straight to anybody without being fresh. 她见人不胆怯,敢直接跟任何人交谈,也不莽撞。
- Would you talk straight to me? The two car franchises, the yacht, the house, holidays. 你会对我直言吗?二辆特权车许可,游艇,房子,假日。
- "Okay, are we talking straight?" Fitzgerald said to Pug. “那好!我们是开门见山地谈吧?”费兹杰拉德对着帕格说。
- He always talks straight, and doesn't like to beat about the bush. 他说话总是直通通的,不喜欢绕弯子。
- It was exciting as a play for Rhoda, that the two men were actually talking straight off about that fateful trip. 对罗达来说,这两个男人实际上直截了当地谈起那次宿命性的旅行倒是一幕动人心弦的戏剧。
- Don't talk round the question; come straight to the point. 不要在这个问题上绕圈子,开门见山地谈吧。
- Keep straight on until you get to the church. 一直朝前走就走到教堂了。
- It's three blocks straight ahead. 一直往前走过三个街区就是。
- She gave it to me straight from the shoulder. 她坦诚地批评我。
- I encourage them to talk all mutually. 我鼓励他们都互相交谈。
- That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her. 那个老妇人是个包打听,因此没有人喜欢跟她说话。
- Lisa said my name wrongly so I set her straight. 莉莎把我的名字说错了,我便加以纠正。
- His talk was evocative of the bygone days. 他的谈话令人回忆起往昔的时日。
- I just want a straight answer to the question. 我只需要得到对这个问题的明确答案。
- Go straight on until you come to a bus stop. 你一直往前走,直到公共汽车站为止。
- I don't talk with my boss about my private matters. 我不和我的老板谈私事。