- It is all very well to talk in general terms about an overheating market. 一般来说提到市场过热的问题在谈判中总是有用的。
- However, Due to the feature of complexity and diversity, it is difficult to apply Foucault's view of power to a specific research, which was easily trapped in a talk in generalities and mystery. 但是由于福柯的权力观具有相当的复杂性与广泛性,因此将其应用到具体的研究当中难免会陷入泛泛而谈或者是不可理解的神秘境界中。
- I can't wrap up the peace talk in less than fifty pages. 我无法以不到50页纸的篇幅写出和平会谈总结。
- We use will to talk in general terms about the future, not about a particular time in the future. 用will泛指将来要发生的动作,而不是将来的某个特定时间要发生的动作。
- My hands were tied. I could not talk in specifics or generalities. 我的手脚给束缚住了。我既不能具体地谈,也不能笼统地说。
- She was kept in for an hour for talking in class. 她因上课说话被罚留校一小时。
- Talking in a low voice were a man and a woman. 低声讲话的是一男一女。
- Don't be all talking in confusion. 别七嘴八舌的!
- We think in generalities, but we live in detail. 我们泛泛地思考,却在细节中生活。
- In general, people don't like to be made fun of. 大体上讲,人们都不喜欢被捉弄。
- The accuser is allowed to talk in court. 被告有权在法庭上发言。
- Personalities are not in good taste in general conversation. 在一般的谈话中诽谤他人是不高尚的。
- She talked in a small voice with her boyfriend. 她细声细气地跟她男友说话。
- To deal in generalities; speak or write vaguely. 大概地处理;模糊地说或写
- Mr Wu wants me to give us a talk in class tomorrow. 吴老师让我明天在课堂上给同学们做报告。
- Woman lives longer than man in general. 女性通常比男性长寿。
- John is disillusioned with life in general. 约翰对整个生活失去了信心。
- I heard you talk in your sleep last night. 昨晚我听见你说梦话。
- She's disillusioned with life in general. 她对生活各方面均不抱幻想了。
- Are they talking in Spanish or Portuguese? 他们说的是西班牙语还是葡萄牙语?