- Such a most talented person as he shouldn't be satisfied with what he is. 像他这么有才华的人不应满足于现状。
- He is a talented person, but few know of him. 他是个有才能的人,然而知道他的人并不多。
- Nice talented person grooms mechanism. 良好的人才培训机制。
- Mr. Jansen is a talented person. 简森先生是个有才华的人。
- The fourth is Piao Qijia"s view about "real poem". 第四是朴齐家关于“真诗”的主张。
- He is an unusually talented person. 他是个难得的人才。
- Do you really think Morgan ' s view is acceptable ? 你真的认为摩根的观点是可接受的吗?
- Lewis Coser, Men of Ideas: A Sociologist"s View. 尽管他们的遭遇、经历和社会实践与布迪厄不同,但就言行一致、我行我知而论,他们其实又何尝不能说都是属于同一群体的知识分子。
- I don't like him either. But to give the devil his due, I must admit that he is a pretty talented person. 我也不喜欢他。不过说句公道话,我得承认他是个很有才华的人。
- He is the music talented person, this is indubitable. 他是个音乐才子,这是无可置疑的。
- The Jiangxi Linchuan, is talented person"s cradle, is known as "township of the talented person" laudatory name. 临川这股陈式太极拳风的形成,首先是由于陈式太极拳本身的内涵,具有极强的吸引力。
- Jane Austen’s view of life is a totally realistic one. 简.;奥斯汀对生活抱有完全的现实主义
- So today’s view of evolution is much more nuanced than his. 更令人印象深刻的是:他并不害怕把他的想法应用于人类范畴。
- Wu Guoliang also is having same view to this, he says: "The manager of every enterprise resembles collecting antique same, seeking outstanding concoctive talented person slowly. 据求伯君介绍,策划是一个容易入门,但不易精专的职业。
- The answer to that question is admittedly mercurial, as one person’s view of a top-notch employer will differ from somebody else’s. 朋友们都羡慕他这份给妻子带来惊喜的礼物,开始纷纷要求为他们也制作风向标。
- The economical competition, the science and technology competition, is in the final analysis talented person"s competition, the national quality competition. 经济的竞争,科学技术的竞争,归根到底是人才的竞争,国民素质的竞争。
- Film Company Boss: That's not a problem. You just choose a talented person. 电影公司老板:那不成问题由您选择人才好了。
- One 's views broaden at college. 人的视野在大学开阔了。
- This article discussed Willa Cather’s view of nature from two aspects. 本论文从两个方面对凯瑟的自然观进行了探讨。
- Such talented person echelon and specialized troop, for profession in rare. 这样的人才梯队与专业化队伍,为行业内所少见。