- Take up residence and become established. 占据住处并确定下来。
- They were not able to take up residence in their new home until the spring. 他们到第二年春天才住进了新家。
- They took up residence in Jamaica. 他们定居于牙买加。
- He took up residence in Australia. 他去澳大利亚居住。
- Without a firewall, an intruder could rework content, steal data or even take up residence and establish a private site on the Web server. 没有防火墙,入侵者可以修改内容、窃取数据、甚至留驻在网站服务器上建立私人网站。
- For part of the year, the Queen takes up residence at Brighton. 每年中有一部分时间女王住在布赖顿。
- Without a firewall,an intruder could rework content,steal data or even take up residence and establish a private site on the Web server. 没有防火墙,入侵者可以修改内容、窃取数据、甚至留驻在网站服务器上建立私人网站。
- For part of the year,the Queen takes up residence at Brighton. 每年中有一部分时间女王住在布赖顿。
- One who has taken up residence in a foreign country. 移居国外者居住在国外的人
- They'll take up residence at the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base in Chengdu. The twins were welcomed by locals and tourists. 他们将会居住在位于成都的大熊猫饲养繁育研究基地,并受到了当地人和游客的欢迎。
- And why, when hundreds of tumour cells get into the bloodstream eery day, do only a small number of them take up residence in a new site and start multiplying? 以及为什么,什么时候成百上千的肿瘤细胞进入血液,或者是只有很小数量的肿瘤细胞在一个新的部位定居并开始增殖。
- In 1932, during the Spanish civil war, he took up residence in Tangier. 在1932年,在西班牙内战,他居住在丹吉尔。
- The tra lants do not require major surgery, just a tube i erted into a vein in the abdomen so that the cells can be dri ed into the liver, where they take up residence in tiny blood ve els. 移植手术不需要动大手术,只需要在患者腹部的血管中插入一个导管把细胞倒入患者的肝脏,细胞就依附在肝脏细小的血管上。
- So researchers are experimenting with several approaches that would allow them to evaluate embryos and transfer only the healthiest ones that are most likely to take up residence in the uterus. 同时研究人员也正在对几种方法进行实验,以便对胚胎进行评价并且只将最健康的、最有可能着床胚胎移植入子宫。
- The 'Periquitos' will take up residence at the impressive new 40,000 all-seater stadium for the forthcoming 2009-10 season, after leaving their former home at the Estadi Olimpic Lluis Companys. 在离开他们先前主场莫祖锡球场后,‘鹦鹉’将搬进拥有4万座位的“新球场”以备战即将到来的2009-10赛季。
- So researchers are experimenting with seeral approaches that would allow them to ealuate embryos and transfer only the healthiest ones that are most likely to take up residence in the uterus. 同时研究人员也正在对几种方法进行实验,以便对胚胎进行评价并且只将最健康的、最有可能着床胚胎移植入子宫。
- The udder cell's genes took up residence in the egg and directed it to grow and develop. 乳腺细胞的基因在该卵子中安营扎寨,令其生长发育。
- Lady Salisbury restored 42 acres of gardens at Hatfield House, her home after taking up residence with her husband, the sixth Lord Salisbury, in 1972. 英国詹姆士一世时期的一座皇家庄园在一位花园设计师的手下返老还童,恢复了400年前的生机和美丽。
- David then took up residence in the fortress, and so it was called the City of David. 7大卫住在保障里,所以那保障叫作大卫城。
- Hindu legend tells of the deity Shiva founding Varanasi and taking up residence there once upon a time. 印度神话中提到,神建造了瓦腊纳西并曾一度居住于此。