- take the mike out of someone 杀某人的威风,灭某人的气焰
- Take the mike[mickey, micky] out of sb. [英口]取笑某人,戏弄[挖苦]某人;杀某人的威风
- take the mike out of vt. 嘲讽(使烦恼)
- Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry. 洗衣机把洗衣工作带出了洗衣房。
- taken the mike out of v. 嘲讽(使烦恼)
- You can't take the book out of the room. 你不可以将这本书拿出室外。
- took the mike out of v. 嘲讽(使烦恼)
- It's your turn to take the dog for a walk don't try to wriggle out of it. 轮到你把狗带出去遛一遛了--别想逃避不做。
- He took the child out of the gutter. 他收养了这个穷苦孩子。
- Stop taking the mickey (out of poor Susan)! 别取笑(可怜的苏珊)了!
- Take the beef out of the refrigerator to defrost. 把牛肉从冰箱里拿出来解冻。
- Take the word right out of someone's mouth 替我说了
- You can take the books out of the classroom. 你们可以把书带出教室。
- take the wind out of someone's sails vt. 阻碍某人
- take the bread out of someone's mouth 抢夺某人的饭碗,剥夺某人的生计
- I was about to say that; you've taken the words out of my mouth. 我正想说那件事,你已经先说出来了。
- take the words out of someone's mouth 抢先说出
- That's just what I had in mind; she took the words out of my mouth. 我心里正是这么想的,她说出了我要说的话。
- Take the humbug out of this world, and you haven't much left to do business with. 把骗子们从这世上轰出去之后,就没剩几个可以跟你来往做生意的了。
- I take the laundry out of the washing machine. 我从洗衣机里拿出衣物。