- Their frequent rows took the bloom off their marriage. 他们经常吵架,使得美满婚姻恶化。
- Many angry quarrel have take the bloom off their friendship. 多次怒言相向已使他们的友谊不如过去深厚。
- Many angry quarrels have taken the bloom off their friendship. 多次怒言相向已使他们的友谊不如过去深厚。
- Envy and suspicion have taken the bloom off their friendship. 嫉妒与猜疑使他们的友情大大失色。
- Take the bloom off sth. 使某物失去光采显得陈旧
- take the bloom off sth: cause sth to lose its freshness or perfection 使某事物失去新鲜感或失去光彩
- Take the bloom off sthbcause sth to lose its freshness or perfection 使某事物失去新鲜感或失去光彩
- take the bloom off ... 把 ... 弄得不美/不新鲜
- take the bloom off vt. 把 ... 弄得不美(使显得陈旧)
- Judy is now in the bloom of youth. 朱迪现在正当青春年少。
- taken the bloom off v. 把 ... 弄得不美(使显得陈旧)
- Take the kettle from off the fire. 把水壶从火炉上拿开。
- took the bloom off v. 把 ... 弄得不美(使显得陈旧)
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
- Take the day off? Now you're talking! 休息一天怎麽样? 这就好了!
- I need a sandwich to take the edge off my appetite. 我需要一份三明治以解腹中之饥。
- Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit: touch it, and the bloom is gone. 愚昧像个妖嫩奇异的水果,稍一触摸,就会失去其清新。
- I am tempted(ie feel inclined) to take the day off. 我打算休一天假。
- Take the left fork at the crossroads. 到十字路口取左边的岔道。
- Her face shone with the bloom of youth. 她的脸上泛起青春的红晕。