- Renders an opening tag for the specified tag name. 呈现指定标记名称的开始标记。
- Contains the tag name for the Script template. 包含Script模板的标记名。
- Finds a child by its tag name and returns the contained text. 根据标记名查找子级并返回所包含的文本。
- The corresponding ending tag is the tag name alone, preceded by a slash (/). 对应的结束标签只是在标签名称前面加上一个斜杠。
- After a brief pause, the tag names are underlined. 短暂停顿后,标记名称带上下划线。
- Gets the relative URL path for the user control with the specified tag prefix and tag name. 获取具有指定标记前缀和标记名称的用户控件的相对URL路径。
- Tag naming can be independent of RIM class and attribute names. 标签命名可以独立于rim类和属性名称。
- Visual Studio adds two items to the page: a Register directive for the MailLink control, and the tag name of the MailLink control to use in the page. Visual Studio将以下两项添加到页上:MailLink控件的Register指令,以及要在该页中使用的MailLink控件的标记名称。
- For optimization purposes, the tag name and the node type information are encoded as integer values, and the Path column uses the same encoding. 出于优化的目的,标记名和节点类型信息的编码为整数值,而且Path列使用同样的编码。
- When the JSP container encounters a custom tag, it looks up the tag name in the taglib descriptor files of the current page. 当JSP容器遇到定制标记时,它在当前页的标记库描述符文件中查找标记名称。
- Note that CVS has strict rules for the syntax of a tag name (must start with a letter, no spaces, almost no punctation allowed). 注意,CVS对标签的语法有严格的规则(必须以字母开始,不能有空格,甚至不允许有点)。
- Tag: Specifying a tag name, this allows associating the deployed webapp with a version number. The application version can be later redeployed when needed using only the tag. 标记:指定一个标记名。这就允许用一个版本号与打包的webapp进行关联。当只需要标签时,应用程序版本可以后面被解包。
- A prefix is not an identifier for the same reason that a tag name cannot be an identifier: The risk of two different applications using the same prefix is high. 标签名不是标识符,同样,前缀也不是标识符。两个不同应用程序使用同一前缀的风险很大。
- The result of the method is an associative array of tag names and popularity. 函数结果是用标签名和人气组成的联合数组。
- The getElementsByTagname() method returns a nodelist that contains all elements with the specified tag name in the same order as they appear in the source document. 方法将返回一份包含所有指定标签名称元素的节点列表,所有元素的排列顺序与它们在源文件中的排列顺序一样。
- The getElementsByTagName() method returns all elements (as a nodeList) with the specified tag name that are descendants of the element you are on when using this method. 方法(以一个节点列表的形式)返回了指定标签名的所有元素,这些标签名称是该方法所作用的元素的孙类元素。
- In addition to tag names, you can use attribute values in selectors. This allows your rules to be more specific. 另外对于标签名来说,你可以在选择符内使用属性值。这可以让你指定的规则更加特别。
- The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店员给每一件商品系上标价签。
- She peered at the tag to read the price. 她细看标签以看清价格。
- For examples and more information on the specific use of each of these different template tags, click on the tag name above. 关于这些不同的标签,每个的特别的用法的例子和更多的信息,点击以上的标签名。