- He dropped down into an arm chair, exhausted. 他筋疲力尽,倒在一把扶手椅里。
- IN the middle of the room was an enormous writing table and an arm chair before it for Nicholas, and other chairs for those to whom he gave audience. 在中间,是一个巨大的创作空间和表手臂主持之前为尼古拉椅子和其它一些人给观众。
- The plot of this novel is figured out by the writer when he sits motionlessly with his eyes shut on the arm chair. 那本小说的故事情节这位作家常常闭着眼睛一动不动地坐在沙发上构思。
- Trance practise can be done lying down, but is best done in a comfortable arm chair. 恍惚状态练习可以躺着进行,但最好坐在舒适的椅子中进行。
- His high wire act often cost the Rockets games, and arm chair quarterback became every Houstonian's favorite game. 他豪赌似的比赛经常让火箭丢掉比赛,而且火箭队每场球都能看见他大爷似的发号施令。
- Lambing chair, is a wood “box” form of winged arm chair rarely having upholstery. 表层纸与色纸经过三聚氰氨树脂成分浸染,使耐火板具有耐磨、耐划等物理性能。
- The negotiators came to the conference table armed to the teeth with statistics on cash-flow analyses. 谈判人员来到会谈桌旁,桌上放满了各种有关现金流转分析的统计资料。
- This amah reported back that the elder daughter was much taller than me, and when she sat down she fully filled a round arm chair, but the second daughter was nice and slim. 老妈子的报告是,大小姐个儿比我大得多,坐下去满满一圈椅;
- I want big arm chairs and sofas you can sink into with a friend. 我想摆放一些你能和朋友一起舒适就坐的大靠椅和沙发。
- The chair is inverted on the table. 椅子倒放在桌子上。
- He had armed desks moved back to the classroom, nobody's table armed said: "good morning, jun. 他叫人把野口的课桌搬回了教室,对着没人的桌子说:“野口君,早上好。”
- She pushed her chair back from the table, satiated. 她把椅子从餐桌向后挪了挪,再也吃不下了。
- To lure prospective oligarchs, the organizers posted a 44-foot-long limo out front along with some bear-skin-covered arm chairs and some thoroughbred horses. 为了招揽巨富参会,组织者在门前停放了一辆44英尺长的豪华轿车,并安置了几把熊皮座椅以及几匹纯种马。
- He steered me to a table and sat me down in a chair. 他把我领到一张桌子前,让我在椅子上坐下。
- Fabric tapestry of needlepoint by hand for set salon or arm chair 埃及一公司求购带有手工针绣花边的挂毯,具体为
- He has planned to lacquer the old table. 他计划给旧桌子上一层漆。
- 19"TV, Electric Tea Kettle, Small Table, Dish Drainer, Wastebasket, Microwave, Arm Chair 查看:主题列表,主题摘要第1-10个主题,共有106283个往后
- The lamp fell plonk on the table. 台灯砰的一声倒在桌上了。
- Give the table a good rub with this polish. 用这上光剂把桌子好好擦一擦。
- The petition was ordered to lie on the table. 该请愿书奉命暂搁一边,以后讨论。