- sympathetic ganglionic cell 交感神经节细胞
- The success rate was 100%.The rate of CH was remarkably low compared with T2 sympathetic ganglionic interruption. 本文除报导84位患者之手术结果外,第四与第二及三交感神经手术之差异及机转,亦一并讨论之。
- Stellate ganglion belongs to sympathetic ganglion,which locates in the lower cervical sympathetic trunk. 星状神经节属于交感神经节,位于颈交感干的下段。
- In this way, each ganglion cell type sends a final spacetime representation along the optic nerve to the brain. 藉由这种方式,每种节细胞会经由视神经将最后的时空图像送到脑。
- Abstract: Objective:To study the pathogenesis of sympathetic spondylosis.Methods:Using the radionuclide trace, nuclide P32 was traced from cervical sympathetic ganglion to precervical tissues. 鉴于现代医学的研究重点已从静态转向动态,形态转向功能,宏观转向微观。
- This micropipette injects yellow dye that rapidly spreads through all the dendrites of a single ganglion cell, showing us the strata they reach. 以微小针管注射的黄色染剂可以迅速扩散到单一节细胞内的所有树突,让我们知道树突伸到哪一层。
- The immunostaining was also found in some displaced ganglion cell, astrocyte and oligodendrocyte in inner nuclear layer (INL). 此外,在内神经颗粒层,有部分移行的神经节细胞、星状细胞和寡树突胶质细胞也呈现免疫反应。
- Clusters of ganglion cells were scattered throughout the tumor. 神经节细胞束被肿瘤彻底的分散。
- sympathetic ganglionic blocking agent 交感神经节阻断药
- Results The number of the nerve plexus and ganglion cell of allied HD was significantly higher than that in normal control group (P<0.01). 结果巨结肠类缘病标本的神经丛及神经节细胞数与正常组比较差异有显著性(P<0.;01)。
- Some tumor cells in this field show a hint of resemblance to ganglionic cells. 一些肿瘤细胞显示出与神经节细胞相似的迹象。
- Because sympathetic ganglia lie close to the vertebral column, sympathetic preganglionic fibers are generally short. 因为交感神经节的谎言接近脊柱,交感神经节前纤维,一般短。
- Conclusion:The results show that there is taurine in the paravertebral sympathetic ganglia of the toad. 结论:蟾蜍椎旁交感神经节含有牛磺酸。
- The dACs of chick were found in the ganglion cell layer of retina and were small neurons, which had round or oval somata and were stained homogeneously by cresyl violet. 结果表明 ,鸡 d ACs位于视网膜节细胞层 ,为淡染的小神经元 ,细胞体呈圆形或卵圆形。
- The sympathetic nerve distributing cerebral vessels originates from the cervical sympathetic ganglia. 支配脑血管的交感神经起源于颈交感神经节。
- The sympathetic ganglia consist of two chains of 22 segmentally arranged ganglia lateral to the vertebral column. 该交感神经节连续两个连锁店22日节段性安排神经节外侧向脊柱。
- In the periphery of the retina, ganglion cells are relatively few in number. 在视网膜的边缘区节细胞相当少。
- As features such as light intensity change in a given sector, each ganglion cell transmits pulses of electricity (known as spikes) along the optic nerve to the brain. 当某个特定视野的视觉特徵(如光强度)改变时,节细胞就会送出电脉冲(称为尖锋),沿视神经传到脑部。
- paravertebral sympathetic ganglion block 椎旁交感神经节封闭术
- lumbar sympathetic ganglion block 腰交感神经节封闭术