- Such requests shall be accorded sympathetic consideration. 对此类请求,应给予积极考虑。
- Each Member shall afford sympathetic consideration to any request from another Member for consultations. 每一成员应对另一成员提出的磋商请求给予积极考虑。
- The Member addressed shall accord full and sympathetic consideration to such a request and shall cooperate through the supply of publicly available non-confidential information of relevance to the matter in question. 被请求的成员对此类请求应给予充分和积极的考虑,并应通过提供与所涉事项有关的、可公开获得的非机密信息进行合作。
- to empathize with; to give sympathetic consideration to; to appreciate 体念
- Any Party thus approached shall give sympathetic consideration to the representations or proposals made to it 任何被如此接洽的参加方应积极考虑向其提出的交涉和建议。
- She was sympathetic to my ideas. 她对我的想法表示支持。
- He came across as sympathetic/a sympathetic person. 他给人以有同情心的印象。
- We must consider the feelings of other people. 我们必须顾及他人的感情。
- Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character. 志趣不同的指性格上不宽容,无同情心的
- Please give the matter your careful consideration. 此事请你仔细考虑。
- He was enormously sympathetic when my father died. 我父亲去世时他深为同情。
- We must consider this question in all its bearings. 我们因该考虑到问题的各方面。
- She is sympathetic over what has happened. 她对已发生的事抱有同情心。
- Time is an important consideration in this case. 在这种情况下,时间是一个要考虑的重要因素。
- He set the idea by for further consideration. 他把这个意见暂时搁置,等待以后再作进一步考虑。
- We have to consider the question of where to sleep. 我们得考虑在何处安歇的问题。
- The question is now under consideration. 这个问题正在考虑之中。
- We must consider the eventual results. 我们必须考虑到最终的结果。
- He showed no consideration for his wife. 他不体贴他的妻子。
- She longed for a sympathetic person to whom she could unburden herself. 她渴望有一个同情她的人,以便向他倾诉衰情。