- Effect of Forward Swept Leading Edge on Fan Efficiency 风扇前缘曲线相对前掠对风扇效率的影响
- Effects of Swept Leading Edge on Performance of Fans 风扇转子前缘曲线相对掠对性能的影响
- A seagull hit the right wing tip, leading edge flap sustained minor damage. 右翼尖与一只海鸥相撞,前缘襟翼受到轻微损伤。
- For hang gliders, to keep the parachute away from the wing, the bridle must extend past the hang glider's leading edge. 对悬挂滑翔机而言,连接带的长度必须跨过前缘,这样的后果是增加了备份伞的稳定性和降低了下沉率。
- No heavy leading edge causing the kite to luff. 没有重的前沿导致风筝对逆风行驶。
- Much more increase of maximum lift-to-drag ratio can be obtained with a forward-swept main wing with a small sweepback angle leading edge. 主机翼前掠角较小时,鸭翼改善和提高升阻比的效果比较明显。
- The receiver aircraft is fitted with a probe that extends out from the side of the fuselage or from the leading edge of the wing. 受油机装备有一个从机身一侧或者是机翼前缘伸出的探头。
- Check all leading edge flaps extended. 检查前缘襟翼皆已放出。
- During the upstroke, the elbows and wrist flex so the wing partially folds, and the leading edge tilts upwards. 在upstroke ,肘部和手腕弯曲,使机翼部分倍,领先的优势,倾斜向上。
- Even so, younger buyers and others who have been on the leading edge of trends continue to prefer Japanese cars in disproportionate numbers. 尽管如此,年轻的顾客以及走在时代潮流前面的人,仍然宁买日本汽车,其人数之众简直不成比例。
- The task is vital because an undetected hole on the leading edge of the shuttle Columbia's left wing caused that ship to disintegrate when it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere. 这项任务很重要,因为“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机左翼前缘有一个洞没有发觉,结果造成它在重新进入地球大气层时碎裂解体。
- In strong wind, let someone grab your leading edge from the center. 强风时,请人帮忙抓住伞中央前缘风口处。
- Leading edge and trailing edge means the function of the dimmer. 飞机螺旋桨的前边缘和机翼后边缘是最能够反应调光器的功能的。
- The hundreds of contacted crystals broke cleanly over the leading edge of my wing (strange but no fragments) and I could clearly see that the severed surfaces were of a light smooth frosty texture. 数以百计接触到的水晶在我机翼边缘上干净折断掉(奇怪但是没有碎片),而且我可以清楚地看见被切断面是一个光滑如霜构造。
- A flow visualization investigation on leading edge breakdown is conducted in a wind tunnel to identify the effect of blowing on a strake wing model undergoing large amplitude pitching motions. 实验采用翼面吹气控制翼面非定常流动,通过烟流显示涡轨迹和涡破碎位置,用相锁照相技术记录空间流态。
- Tapered leading edges with blunt tips. 圆锥领先优势钝性小费。
- The thermal environment of the scramjet strut leading edge is rigorous. 摘要在超燃冲压发动机工作过程中,支板前缘的热环境非常恶劣。
- Fin is tall and back-tapered with a blunt tip and fairing in the leading edge. 鱼翅是身高和后备圆锥与钝端和整流罩在市场领先优势。
- The bubonic plague swept off most of the villagers. 那场淋巴腺鼠疫夺去了大部分村民的生命。