- Making small models requires manual skill. 制作小模型要手巧。
- Work done by machines has replaced manual labour. 机器生产已经代替了手工劳作。
- There was a swell in the city's population. 该市出现过人口膨胀。
- Having seen the manual, he pick the extinguisher. 看完了说明书,他拿起了灭火器。
- Our boy is doing swell at college. 我们的儿子在大学里表现出色。
- His brother is a swell at boxing. 他兄弟是个拳击能手。
- This manual is full of useful tips. 这本小册子里有很多实用的小建议。
- Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up. 汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。
- Small extra costs all swell the total. 零星的额外费用积少成多使总数增大了
- We should not look down on manual labor. 我们不应该轻视体力劳动。
- Don't prick that boil; allow it to swell up and burst. 不要挑破那个疖子; 让它肿起来自己破裂好了。
- He's as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work. 他吃不了苦,胜任不了艰苦的体力劳动。
- swell manual [电] 提高键盘
- The injured wrist began to swell(up). 受伤的腕子开始肿了起来。
- A maintenance manual gives diagrams and instructions for repairing your car. 维修手册向您提供修理汽车所需的图表和说明。
- The breasts swell during pregnancy. 怀孕期乳房发胀.
- A woman who performs manual or industrial labor for wages. 女工为赚取工资而从事体力或工业劳动的女人
- His injured wrist began to swell. 他那受伤的手腕开始肿了。
- The use of machinery has superseded manual labour. 机器的使用已经取代了手工劳动。
- The hills swell gradually from the plain. 那些山丘从平原逐渐隆起。