- I'll miss your bright eyes and sweet smile. 我会怀念你明亮的眼睛,甜美的笑。
- I cannot even recall the sweet smile from my mummy. 记忆里已没有了妈妈的微笑。
- Praise them with my sweet smile. 带着甜甜蜜的微笑表扬他们说
- With your sweet smile, I wake up happily. 带着你甜甜的笑,我美美的醒来。
- She was elegant,walking with a sweet smile on her face. 她走起路来姿态优雅,脸上挂着甜甜的微笑。
- An single sweet smile from you fills me with such joy. 一个淡淡的微笑却可以让我充满幸福。
- She met me in the Fleet Street and greeted me with a sweet smile. 她在舰队街上遇见我,并对我致以甜甜的一笑。
- The general's daughter, whose name is Jane, gave me a sweet smile. 将军的女儿名叫珍妮。她冲我笑了笑,笑得好甜啊。
- Your sweet smile is permeated with refreshing fragrance. 您漾起的笑意,渗著沁心的芬芳。
- She met me in the Fleet Street-nd greeted me with na sweet smile. 她在舰队街上遇见我;并对我致以甜甜的一笑.
- With a sweet smile he stroked the boy's body gently. 他带着甜蜜的微笑,轻轻地抚摸这个男孩的身躯。
- Your sweet smile, I can not be addicted to your obsession. 你那甜美的笑容,让我不可自拔地迷恋你。
- Everybody's face was beaming with happiness, sweet smile. 大家脸上都洋溢着幸福、甜蜜的笑容。
- The little boy's sweet smile canceled his crossness . 那小孩甜蜜的笑容抵消了他的倔强。
- "Oh? Am I supposed to make myself scarce?" She gave him a sweet smile. “哦?要不要我回避呢?”她朝他微微一笑,笑得很可爱。
- His sweet smile .. I like to laugh super sweet boy, like .. like it! 他的笑容很甜.
- She gave him her sweetest smile. 她向他投以极温柔的一笑。
- She gave us a refreshingly sweet smile and her eyes dance with quite laughter. 她给了我们一个清新甜蜜的笑容,眼睛里都闪烁着笑意。
- Let our life be brimming with smile! The sweet smile predicts our brilliant future. 让我们的生活充满微笑吧!这甜蜜的微笑,将预言着我们无限美好的未来。
- Angeline always has the sweetest smile!!!Miss you girl!!! 这几张照都是那天阿晶生日会的时候拍的!