- His shirt was saturated with sweat. 他的衬衫上浸满了汗水。
- The bathroom walls are moist with steam. 浴室墙上都是湿湿的蒸气。
- She closed the eyes moist with tears. 她闭上了为泪水所湿润的眼睛。
- The horse was reeking with sweat. 那匹马满身汗水。
- Her forehead was beaded with sweat. 她的额上冒着滴滴汗珠。
- Their bodies streamed with sweat. 他们浑身流淌着汗水。
- His face was streaming with sweat. 他满脸都流着汗水。
- My clothes are drenched with sweat. 衣服都溻了。
- The story was so sad that at the end my eyes were moist with tears. 故事非常让人伤心,最后我的眼睛湿润了。
- His shirt was steeped with sweat. 他的衬衫浸透了汗水。
- She lowered her voice and her eyes were moist with tears. 她降低了声音,眼睛里浸满了泪水。
- Her face was dripping with sweat. 她脸上汗水淋淋。
- His face was ashen and wet with sweat. 他面如土色,汗如雨下。
- His face was drenched with sweat. 他满头大汗。
- His hand was slippery with sweat. 他的手汗津津的。
- He galloped and swooped till he poured with sweat. 于是他纵马飞奔,一直跑到大汗淋漓。
- I was wet with sweat from top to toe. 我从头到脚都汗湿了。
- The room was hot, and their faces shone with sweat. 屋子很热,他们的脸上都留着汗气。
- We were wet with sweat after hard labor. 劳动结束后,我们大汗淋漓。
- Her cheeks were streaming with sweat. 她的面颊满是汗水。