- Above all, the labour market is heavily regulated. 最重要的是,劳动力市场被严格管制。
- The biggest problems lie in the labour market. 最大的问题就是劳动力市场。
- This may be the only solution for the surplus labour in the countryside. 这恐怕是必由之路。
- Township enterprises have created a new outline for surplus labour on the land. 乡镇企业已经为农村剩余劳动力创出也了一条新出路
- The prize for the dodgiest figures goes to the labour market. 评价最低的数据在就业市场。
- We had not found a good solution to the problem of surplus labour created by the implementation of the contracted responsibility system. 农村实行承包责任制后,剩下的劳动力怎么办,我们原来没有想到很好的出路。
- Take the young man ashore with you and show him the way to the labour market. 把这年轻人带上岸并指给他去劳务市场的路。
- And in China there is continues access to a huge labour pool made up of redundant state sector workers and surplus labour in rural areas. 此外,中国国营企业裁员,以及农村劳动人口过剩,均可继续为中国的劳工市场提供庞大的人力资源。
- Realizing the effective development of rural economy is the purpose of the tranfer of rural surplus labour. 农村剩余劳动力转移是为了实现农村经济有效发展;
- After taking account of this, Mr Cai estimates that China's surplus labour has been virtually exhausted. 将这些都考虑进去后,蔡先生中国剩余的劳动力实际上已经用完。
- This and the tight labour market support the idea of an August RBA rate rise. 这些以及供不应求的劳动力市场将会使八月澳大利亚储备银行(RBA)利率提高。
- The large amount of rural surplus labour has always been the bottleneck for the further development of agricultural, rural and national economy. 大量农村剩余劳动力的存在一直是制约我国农业、农村和整个国民经济发展的瓶颈。
- As joblessness soars, benefits claimants will be nudged into the labour market. 随着失业势头越来越猛,就业市场将会出现领救济金的人。
- This acceleration of wages has prompted some to conclude that China's surplus labour in the countryside has been used up. 劳动力工资增长的加速使得一些人得出这样的结论:中国过剩的农村劳动力已经用光。
- He also proposed to develop sideline to improve the living standard of farmers and to solve the problem of surplus labour force in the country. 主张发展副业来提高农民生活水平和解决农村剩余劳动力出路问题。
- The surplus labour force in China's rural areas has reached 120 million,and by the year 2000 the rural surplus labour force will exceed the 200 million mark. 中国农村剩余劳动力已经达到1.;2亿人,到2000年,农村剩余劳动力将超过2亿。
- This increase in village and township enterprises,particularly industrial enterprises,has provided jobs for 50 per cent of the surplus labour in the countryside. 乡镇企业的发展,主要是工业,还包括其他行业,解决了占农村剩余劳动力百分之五十的人的出路问题。
- The surplus labour force in China's rural areas has reached 120 million, and by the year 2000 the rural surplus labour force will exceed the 200 million mark. 中国农村剩余劳动力已经达到1.;2亿人,到2000年,农村剩余劳动力将超过2亿。
- In addition, with almost half of its labour force still in agriculture, China still has plenty of scope to lift productivity by moving surplus labour into industry and services. 另外,几乎有一半的劳动力从事农业,中国通过把剩余劳动力转移到工业和服务业,依然有充分的余地提高生产率。
- The labour market is weakening at a pace that has in the past heralded recession. 劳动力市场以某种速度变弱,过去这种速度就已经预示出衰退。