- A more or less superficial layer of the unconscious isundoubtedly personal. 潜意识的或多或少是表面性的层面无疑是个人的。
- A more or less superficial layer of the unconscious is undoubtedly personal. 无意识的或多或少是表面性的层面无疑是个人的。
- Found in the scales of Palaeozoic fishes as a superficial layer over a dentine structure. 发现于古生代鱼类的鳞片形成覆于齿质结构之上的表面层。
- In FF control, the cortical tissue of the superficial layer of bilateral fimbria-fornix was transectioned. 纹状体边缘区对照组以双侧纹状体边缘区微量注射生理盐水;
- The cells forming the superficial layer were slender and longer and irregularly arranged. 结果光镜下家兔房室结由三层细胞组成,上层细胞细长,排列不整齐;
- Sunburn is an inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin. 晒伤是皮肤表皮的一种炎症。
- In7- week embryo, the superficial layer of gastric mucosa was stratified columnar epithelium, containing a large amount of glycogen. 结果发现,7周胚胃上皮为复层柱状,含大量糖原颗粒。
- Methods XH ultra-high frequency skin plastic operation apparatus can remove superficial layer of dermis and remove small wrinkles. 方法用自己研制的XH超高频皮肤整形仪,去除真皮浅层以上的皮肤,去除皱纹,形成新鲜创面。
- At the superficial layer we can refer to cultural phenomenon, such as the Easterners wearing jeans and the Westerners using chopsticks. 当我们说到“文化”时,这个要领包括的范畴当然是很广的。
- Conclusion XH ultra-high frequency skin plastic operation apparatus removing superficial layer of dermis with vitiligo is simple and effective way. 结论:用XH超高频皮肤整形仪处理白癜风皮损区表皮方便、灵活、精细、准确,创面新鲜、平坦,有利于移植皮片成活。
- The superficial layers are often frequency selective to transmission. 表层传播一般都有频率选择性。
- The superficial layer cell of basic petal becomes matic activity and formes the primordium nectary.The pre-nectar may be provided by phloem that is round the nectariferous tissue. 原蜜汁由蜜腺周围的维管束提供,经产蜜组织加工后,由分泌表皮外薄的角质层泌出。
- Methods The superficial layer of the scars were removed and deep layer scar or normal dermis were remained,autologous thin split-thickness skin were grafted to cover the wound. 方法瘢痕浅层边缘不规则斜坡状部分削除,保留真皮浅层和深层瘢痕组织,创面用刃厚皮片覆盖,医用胶固定皮片。
- Methods During 128 patients cases,hayluronic acid injected into superficial layer of subcutaneous tissue or deep layer of derma of different parts on face. 方法:对这128名患者面部不同部位行皮下注射填充,即:把透明质酸制剂注射到相应部位的皮下组织浅层或真皮层的深层。
- Conclusion: The superficial layer of prevertebral fascia is the main portion of the carotid sheath, which should avoid overtraction in the anterior cervical approach. 结论:椎前筋膜是颈动脉鞘的主要组成部分,使颈动脉鞘相对固定,在颈椎前路手术中应避免用力牵拉。
- The weakened superficial layers of cartilage develop fi ures in re o e to increased deformation by normal loads. 变弱的表层软骨因对正常负荷增加变形而发生裂隙。
- It is found the suprasternal space should be enclosed by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fasciae and the fasciae of the infrahyoid muscles, rather than the past opinion of the textbook. 得出胸骨上间隙应是由颈深筋膜浅层和舌骨下肌筋膜围成,而不同于以往教科书中描述的由颈深筋膜浅层分为两层附着于胸骨形成。
- The weakened superficial layers of cartilage develop fissures in response to increased deformation by normal loads. 变弱的表层软骨因对正常负荷增加变形而发生裂隙。
- Desquamation of the superficial layers of the skin begins 5 to 10 days after injury. 在伤后五至十天,皮肤的表浅层开始脱屑。
- CD44v6 expresses positively at the cell membranes of basal cell and 1/3 layer cells near the base ment membrane of normal oral mucosa,while superficial layer of that presents alm ost negative expression. CD44v6在正常口腔黏膜上皮的基底细胞层及近基底 1/3的上皮细胞膜上呈阳性表达 ,上皮表层细胞几乎呈阴性表达。