- Super heavyweight lifters normally claim the title of World's Strongest Man or Woman. 一般人认为超级举重运动员是世界上最强壮的男人或者女人。
- Wladimir reportedly had 140 amateur fights (losing only six) and won the super heavyweight gold medal at the 1996 Olympics. 弗拉基米尔参加过140场业余拳赛,只输了6场,且是1996年奥运会超重量级金牌得主;
- Although he was never an Olympian himself,he paved the way for many talented Chinese lifters,ranging from flyweight to super heavyweight,to succeed in the Olympics. 尽管他自己从未参加过奥运会,但他为许多才能出众的中国举重运动员(不管是次轻量级也好,超重量级也好)在奥运会上获得胜利铺平了道路。
- Although he was never an Olympian himself, he paved the way for many talented Chinese lifters, ranging from flyweight to super heavyweight, to succeed in the Olympics. 尽管他自己从未参加过奥运会,但他为许多才能出众的中国举重运动员(管是次轻量级也好,超重量级也好)奥运会上获得胜利铺平了道路。
- The Russian Aleksandr Karelin was the first wrestler to win the same weight division, super heavyweight of Greco-Roman wrestling, three times in the 1988, 1992 and 1996 Olympic Games. 俄罗斯摔跤选手亚历山大-卡列林在1988,1992和1996三届奥运会上都获得了古典式摔跤超重量级的冠军,成为第一位三次赢得同一级别奥运冠军的摔跤运动员。
- Men rs Super Heavyweight 105kg+ category 男子超重量级105以上公斤级
- He won the world heavyweight title. 他赢得世界最重量级拳击冠军。
- I'll be a super secretary for you. 我将成为你极好的秘书。
- I bought some pomegranates in the super market. 我在超市上买了一些石榴。
- I think both team play super ball. 我觉得双方踢得都很好。
- I've discovered a super restaurant near here! 我在附近找到一家一流的餐馆!
- We had a super day at the seaside. 我们在海边度过了美好的一天。
- He had been a heavyweight prize-fighter. 他曾经是重量级职业拳击手。
- super heavyweight n. 〈摔跤〉 100以上
- "We think John is a fink pacifist on a super ego trip, " she said. 她说:"我们认为约翰是个极力追名逐利、喜欢告密的和平主义者。"
- super heavyweight boxing 超重量级拳击
- A heavyweight boxer is known as "the greatest". 一名被称为“大力士”的重量级拳击手。
- You're a bit on the small side for a heavyweight. 作为重量级拳击手,你的身材多少有点矮。
- She is a heavyweight criminal lawyer from uptown. 她是重量级的刑事辩护律师。
- The greatest heavyweight battle in history. 史上最“巨型”的战事。