- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- Loudspeakers belched out deafening pop music. 扩音器里播放出震耳欲聋的流行音乐。
- The young girl has a rage for pop music. 这个年轻的女孩对流行音乐有狂热爱好。
- sugary pop music 甜腻腻的流行音乐
- I have no interest in pop music. 我对流行音乐不感兴趣。
- Pop music is mostly program music. 流行音乐大多是标题音乐。
- I prefer classical music to pop music. 我喜欢古典音乐,不太喜欢流行音乐。
- Your taste in pop music really dates you. 你所喜爱的流行音乐真使你显得脱离了时代。
- She listened to the pop music on the radio. 她听电台的流行音乐。
- She admitted to a liking for pop music. 她承认爱好流行音乐。
- Older people prefer ballads to pop music. 年纪大一些的人喜欢民歌,而不喜欢流行音乐。
- A law was passed to squash pop music pirates. 通过了一个法律以打击流行音乐翻录者。
- You don't like pop music, do you? 你不喜欢流行音乐,对吗?
- She prefers pop music and jazz to classical music. 较之古典音乐她更喜欢流行音乐与爵士音乐。
- The jukebox ground out an incessant stream of pop music. 自动电唱机没完没了地放送流行乐曲。
- All the big names in the pop music world are at the party. 流行音乐界的头面人物都参加了聚会。
- I dig songs and I like pop music very much. 我特别喜欢歌曲和流行音乐。
- The older generation doesn't like pop music. 老一辈的人不喜欢流行音乐。
- Jackson is one of the legends of pop music. 杰克逊是流行音乐的传奇人物之一。
- The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and Beijing Opera. 节目涉及从流行音乐到京剧这样形形色色的题材。