- 苦难 (n) suffering
- 【谚】没有苦难,就没有快乐。 No cross, no crown.
- 难民的苦难使她心痛。 The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore.
- 苦难的岁月 dark days
- 连国王和王后在战时都经受了苦难。 Even the King and Queen experienced hardship during the war.
- 她极为强烈地感受到了人类的种种苦难。 She felt most severely the miseries of mankind.
- 那个老农民解放前受尽苦难。 The old peasant went through untold hardships before liberation.
- 每一个人都有自己的苦难。 Everyone has a cross to bear.
- 我们大家都有各自的苦难。 We all have our cross.
- 我们同情苦难的人们。 We sympathize with people in affliction.
- 电影与现实生活之间的主要差别是,在电影里,一对男女历经苦难后终成眷属。 The chief difference between the movies and real life is that in the movies they are married at the end of their difficulty.
- 老一代人永远也不会忘记过去的苦难。 The old generation can never forget the past sufferings.
- 那囚犯受尽了苦难。 The prisoner drained the cup of sorrow to the dregs.
- 那个国家在独裁者统治下受尽苦难。 The nation groaned under the dictator's rule.
- 那是一段充满苦难的时期。 It was a time of great tribulation.
- 在战争期间他们经历了说不尽的苦难。 They experienced untold sufferings during the war.
- 这位白发的农民默想着他过去所受的苦难。 The hoary peasant mused over his past sufferings.
- 忍受苦难, 不屈不挠 bear up under affliction
- 苦难的地方,苦难的状态 A place or state of torment or suffering.
- 你们饱经风霜,历尽苦难。 You have been the veterans of creative suffering.