- Effects of cutting the olfactory peduncle on migration of subventricular zone cells in adult rats 嗅茎切断对脑室下层细胞迁移的影响
- subventricular zone cells 室下区细胞
- Objective To study the morphological characteristics and distribution of the cells in the subventricular zone(SVZ). 目的观察侧脑室脑室下层细胞的形态及分布。
- Here, we show that the adult subventricular zone (SVZ) neural stem cell niche contains an extensive planar vascular plexus that has specialized properties. 而脉管系统是这些干细胞小生境中重要组成部分。
- Neural stem cells exist in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of lateral ventricle and the dentate gyrus (DG) of hippocampus in central neural system (CNS) throughout the life of adult mammals, so does neurogenesis in adult brain. 在成年哺乳动物中枢神经系统内,神经干细胞(Neural stem cells,NSCs)在侧脑室室管膜下区(Subventricular zone,SVZ)和海马齿状核(Dentate gyrus,DG)等处终生存在,神经发生现象也终生维持。
- BrdU-positive cells were found in cortex, dentate gyrus (DG), striaturn and subventricular zone (SVZ) at different time after cerebral ischemia, at the 7th day remarkably increased(P<0.01). 脑缺血后不同时相缺血侧皮质、齿状回、纹状体和SVZ均有BrdU阳性细胞;其中第7d的阳性细胞数量增加最为显著(P<0.;01);
- Experimental stroke in adult mammals increases neurogenesis from neural stem cells or progenitor cells located in the dentate subgranular zone and the subventricular zone lining the lateral ventricle. 中风能使齿状回颗粒下层和脑室下层的神经发生增加,新产生的神经元能够迁移到损伤区并表达已死亡神经元的标记物。
- Results : The DCX-expressing cells distribute mainly in five neurogenic areas: subventricular zone, subgranular zone, rostral migratory stream, olfactory bulb and around the corpus callosum. 结果:神经元前体细胞的标志物DCX主要分布在五个神经发生相关区域:脑室下区、齿状回的粒下层、吻侧迁移流、嗅球和胼胝体周围。
- The scientists focused their study on postnatal neural stem cells that lie next to the lining of the brain's lateral ventricles, or cavity, in a region known as the subventricular zone (SVZ). 科学家们的研究聚焦于出生后的神经干细胞位于侧脑室或腔的内层,在一个被称为室下区域(SVZ)的地方。
- Objective To explore the effect of olfactory bulb (OB) removal on neurogenesis in subventricular zone (SVZ) by observing the changes of proliferation and differentiation of new cells originated there. 摘要 目的 研究嗅球切除后成年大鼠侧脑室外侧壁(SVZ)新生细胞增殖和分化的情况,进一步探讨嗅球对SVZ神经生发活动的影响。
- Particles distributed mainly in rostral migrate stream, subventricular zone and part of vascular wall. 有时见“镜影核”,主要存在于尾壳核;
- Furthermore, endogenous neurogenesis was activated in the subventricular zone of transplanted rats. 此外,被移植大鼠脑室下区内源性神经发生的过程被激活。
- Abstract:During brain development, one of the most important structures is the subventricular zone (SVZ), from which most neurons are generated. 摘要:随着脑的发育,脑室下区(SVZ)是最重要的结构之一,大多数神经元在那里生成。
- In adult rat CNS(central nervous system,CNS), NSC are found in two major areas: subventricular zone and subgranular zone. There exist NSC widely in embryonic CNS. 研究表明:成年大鼠的神经干细胞主要位于海马和脑室管膜下区,而胚胎中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)中则广泛存在神经干细胞(neuralstem cells,NSC)。
- The neurogenesis in subventricular zone(SVZ), which is located in the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle, is observed throughout the lifetime in mammalian. 室管膜下区(SVZ)是指沿着整个脑室侧壁分布的区域,在成年哺乳动物终生存在着神经发生。
- Lois C,Buylla A.Proliferating subvent ricular zone cells in the adult mammalian forebrain can differentiate into neurons and glia[J].Pro Natl Acad Sci USA,1993,90:2074. 姬西团;章翔;费舟;等.;不同促细胞分裂因子对人神经干细胞定向分化的影响[J]
- In adult brain, neurogenesis mainly appears in subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral cerebral ventricle and subgranular zone ( SGZ) in the hippocampus. 成体脑内神经发生的区域主要为侧脑室室下区(subventricular zone, SVZ)和海马齿状回颗粒下区(subgranular zone, SGZ)。
- Neurogenesis persists in two germinal regions in the adult mammalian brain, the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone in the hippocampal formation. 在成年哺乳动物大脑中,神经形成发生在两个原始区域:脑室下区的侧脑室和海马结构的齿状回的颗粒区。
- dorsolateral subventricular zone 背外侧脑室下区
- Human tissue is made up of cells. 人体的组织是由细胞构成的。