- 布丽奇特点明了所有的困难,对冬天越过丛山的主意泼了一瓢冷水。 Bridget poured cold water on the idea of crossing the mountains in winter, pointing out all the difficulties.
- 征服下一部分山的一切供给只好由登山队员们自己拉上去了。 All the supplies for the attempt on the next part of the mountain have to be dragged up by the climbers.
- 阿尔卑斯山 Alps
- 多山的 mountainous
- 山竹 mangosteen
- 如山的 mountainous
- 这座山的北侧几乎是垂直的。 The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical.
- 夕阳已渐渐沉没在远山的背后,壑谷间一片紫蔼,颜色比紫菀还浓。 The sun was dropping behind the farthest mountain, and the valleys were purple with something deeper than aster.
- 登山队员们成功地从这座山的北坡爬上了顶峰。 The mountaineers succeeded in climbing the north face of the mountain to the top peak.
- 在山的那边 behind the hill
- 阿尔卑斯山的 alpine
- 山的半中腰有一座亭子。 A pavilion is halfway up the hill.
- 一个多山的国家 a mountainous country
- 他们正在挖一条贯通这座山的隧道。 They are digging a tunnel through the hill.
- 这是一个多山的美丽国度。 It is a very beautiful country with many mountains.
- 多山的国家 mountainous country
- 小山山顶小山的最高部分 The crest or top of a hill.
- 圣露西亚为多山的小岛,境内多火山,有火山爆发的风险,飓风也时有所闻。 Saint Lucia is a small, mountainous island with many volcanoes, which puts it at risk of volcanic eruptions along with the hurricanes which pass through regularly.
- 有些山的山顶上终年积雪。 On the tops of some mountains snow persists throughout the year.
- 到达山的顶峰 to attain the mountain peak