- Song's struggling spirit of all his life to achieve the aim is worthwhile to be esteemed and commemorated. 宋教仁为达到目的而终生奋斗的精神,值得我们尊敬和怀念。
- If one can work in a active and struggling spirit everywhere, he can increase his authority and fortune in the most mediocre career. 倘若能处处以主动、努力的精神来工作,那么即使在最平庸的职业中,也能增加他的权威和财富。
- Tragedy spirit is the struggling spirit and sacrifice spirit that dramatis personae oppose doom fate for some perfect value. 悲剧精神是悲剧主人公为实现某种美好的价值而同不幸命运抗争的奋斗精神和牺牲精神。
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- Sports can pass through certain medium to communicate information.Medium can communicate the force of sports, propagate actively struggle spirit and the normality morals. 体育运动可以通过一定的媒介向受众传播信息,传播体育的力与美,传播积极的拼搏精神,传播健康的道德规范。
- Life's primordial reality is spirit. 生命的根本真实性是精神。
- The first three under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen ended in failure for lack of due conditions, but his fight experience and struggle spirit laid a solid foundation for the later battles. 孙中山领导的前三次北伐因条件欠缺而未能成功,但他的作战经验和奋斗精神为后来的北伐奠定了坚实基础。
- We're struggling along on a tiny income. 我们依靠极少的收入过活。
- The old man has been struggling with illness. 这位老人一直在与病魔斗争。
- Struggling uphill to make ends meet. 艰难地奋斗以使收支相抵
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。
- Nothing could foul up their militant spirit. 什么也不能挫伤他们的斗志。
- Women are still struggling for true equality with men. 妇女仍在争取与男人真正平等。
- He is troubled in spirit/His spirit is troubled. 他内心苦恼。
- After ten year of struggling, the singer finally make his mark. 经过10年的奋斗,这位歌手终于获得了成功。
- I have been awed by the devoted spirit of Gothic wood carving. 我对哥特木刻的热忱精神感到敬畏。
- He is endued with a spirit of public service. 他富有为公众服务的精神。
- Her spirit was wrenched with grief at the loss. 她由于这一损失而极度悲伤。
- He is old in age yet young in spirit. 他虽年老,但朝气蓬勃。
- I threw a life buoy to him when I saw his struggling. 看到他在挣扎,我给他扔了一个救生圈过去。