- The Jingushan Au deposit occurred in the Kedao Formation strata,the mineralizing type belongs to structural altered rock one. 金谷山金矿床产于上古生界二叠系柯岛组地层中,矿化类型为构造蚀变岩型。
- structural altered rock gold metallogenic belt 构造蚀变岩型金成矿带
- F5 fracture is a ductile shear belt, two gold ore mineralization are mainly in this belt which are gold quartz vein and structural alteration rock. F5断裂带为一韧脆性剪切带,断裂带内主要有金石英脉型和构造蚀变岩型两种金矿成矿类型。
- structural altered rock 构造蚀变岩
- There is a structural alteration to the building. 这座建筑物在这有一处结构上的改变。
- This is due to the higher weathering resistance of hydrothermally altered rock. 这是由于热液蚀变岩石具有较高的抗风化力的缘故。
- Gold oresare mainly of shattered altered rock type and subordinately auriferous quartz veins. 不仅发现了含铂、钯的黄铜矿和闪锌矿,而且还找到了针镍矿。
- Is a structural alteration to the building. 这座建筑物在这有一处结构上的改变。
- Xincheng gold mine belongs to the medium temperature hydrothermal filling metasomatic altered rock type. 新城金矿属于中温热液充填交代蚀变岩型矿床。
- The Dayingzi altered rock type gold deposit is a newly found gold deposit in the northern Hebei province. 大营子蚀变岩型金矿床是冀北地区新发现的一种金矿类型。
- The Be bearing striation altered rock played a vital role in ore prospecting and forecasting and provides a new concept for ore searching. 含铍条纹状蚀变岩的发现在找矿预测中起到了致关重要的作用,为找矿工作开拓了新的思路。
- The main uranium mineralizations in Sanjiu area are hydrothermal vein type and cataclastic altered rock type in granites. 三九地区铀矿化类型主要为花岗岩热液脉型和碎裂蚀变岩型。
- Jianchaling gold deposit belongs to micro disseminated tectonic altered rock type, which has genetic relationship with ultrabasic rock. 煎茶岭金矿床属于与超基性岩有成因联系的微细浸染状构造蚀变岩型金矿床。
- Anhua Furong gold deposit belongs to a shattered altered rock type gold ore deposit which has great prospecting futurities. 安化芙蓉金矿是一个极具找矿前景的破碎蚀变型金矿,是近年来湖南金矿地质找矿勘查的重大突破。
- Shibangou gold deposit in Xixia, Henan, is a typical altered rock type gold deposit. Shear zones in near NW direction is the key ore controlling structures. 河南西峡石板沟金矿为一典型的蚀变岩型金矿, 近NW 向的剪切带为主要控矿因素。
- In recent years,there more different types Mo deposits(spots) have been discovered in Jilin geosynclinal area,mainly porphyry,quartz vein,skarn and fracture altered rock deposits. 近几年吉林槽区陆续发现多处不同类型的钼矿床(点),其主要类型有斑岩型、石英脉型、矽卡岩型、破碎蚀变岩型。
- REE geochemical feature was studied by comparing ore with ore hosted Lantian group stratum, granite related to ore deposit, and altered rock, to trace metallogenic matter origin. 对比研究了皖南西坑银多金属矿床中赋矿围岩蓝田组地层、成矿有关的花岗岩、矿石、矿床蚀变岩等地质体的稀土元素地球化学特征 ,借以示踪成矿物质来源。
- In contrast, undifferentiated carcinomas rarely exhibit structurally altered tumor suppressor genes. 相反,未分化癌极少表现出抑癌基因结构的改变。
- The theory that all disease is associated with structural alterations of organs. 器官决定理论是关于所有的疾病都同组织的结构变化有关的理论
- It's a mid scale and its ore belongs to low grade structural altereds tyle, limonite, pyrite are mainly gold carriers. 矿石以低品位构造蚀变岩型为主,褐铁矿、铁矿是主要的载金矿物。