- He struck out across the fields. 他迈步越过田野。
- We avoided the main road and struck out across the fields instead. 我们避开大路,开始穿过田野。
- It was just starting to rain as we struck out across the field. 当我们加快脚步穿过田野时,天下雨了。
- Walk so," and he struck out across the Avery stage in almost drooping manner. 你要这么走,“他说着做出几乎垂头丧气的样子走过阿佛莱礼堂的舞台。
- The editor struck out the whole paragraph. 编辑把整段全删掉了。
- He lost his temper and struck out wildly. 他大发脾气,疯狂地出手打人。
- The troops fanned out across the fields. 部队在战场上成扇形散开。
- Charles was at bat only a short time before he struck out. 查尔斯击球不到一会就因三击不中而退场了。
- The players were told to string out across the field. 运动员们得到指示在场上按间隔距离站成一排。
- He took a pen and struck out two paragraphs from his essay. 他拿起笔把他的文章划掉了两段。
- John quit his job and struck out on his own as a traveling salesman. 约翰辞掉工作去做旅行推销员,独立闯新路。
- A sinister inhuman scream rang out across the moors. 沼泽地里突然响起不像是人的不祥的尖叫声。
- They could strike out directly across the middle of the island. 上岸以后,他们就可以由中部一带觅路直入。
- The curtains were suddenly drawn and a bright light shone out across the lawn. 窗帘突然拉开,一道强光透出,射到草坪那边。
- Fouled twice and then struck out; fouled out to the catcher. 两击出界后三振出局; 被捕手接住界外球而出局
- The soldiers fanned out across the hillside. 士兵们成扇形散开在山坡上。
- The batter swung and struck out. 击球员挥棒击球,三击不中出局了。
- One can strike out sparks from flint with steel. 用钢铁敲打火石,可以打出火花来。
- He fanned his search party out across the hills. 他让他的搜索队在山上成扇形散开。