- The painter was busy mixing his colours. 画家在忙着调颜色。
- The painter is mixing his colours. 画家正在调色。
- We would not help Jim until he showed his colours. 吉姆不说出他真正意图之前,我们是不会帮助他的。
- The painter is mixing his colours . 画家正在调色。
- Nobody agreed with him but he stuck to his colours. 没人同意他, 但他坚持自己的观点。
- Tom finally was given his colours. 汤姆最终被选入运动队。
- Two hours later he lowered his colours. 两小时之后他放弃了要求。
- A stray bullet struck his steel helmet and glanced off. 一颗流弹击中他的钢盔,又弹了开去。
- The Home Secretary nailed his colours firmly to the mast on the question of arming the police. 内政大臣公开表示,主张把警察武装起来,并坚持不让步。
- After a long battle the pirate captain struck his flag. 久战之后,海盗船长降旗投降。
- He recoiled at the touch and his colour changed. 我一碰使他倒退了几步,脸色也变了。
- He got an idea and suddenly struck his knee with his hand. 他想出了个主意,猛得用手拍了一下膝盖。
- strike his colours vt. 投降(屈服)
- A painter tempers his colours by mixing them with oil . 画家把颜料混进油里来调色。
- It was Hitler's interest and method to strike his opponents down one by one. 希特勒对付敌手的办法是各个击破,这样才符合他的利益。
- A painter tempers his colours by mixing them with oil. 画家把颜料混进油里来调色。
- "Have at you!" shouted the swordsman, striking his opponent. "看剑!"击剑手一面向对手刺去,一面喊道。,"看剑!"击剑手刺向对方时,喊道。
- He changed his colours to suit his own selfinterest. 他为自身利益而变节了。
- We would not go with Jim until he showed his colours. 在吉姆没有宣布他的计划之前,我们是不会跟他走的。
- They found it hard to justify their son's lowering his colours. 他们难以理解儿子竟然放弃了要求。