- Let Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, and Joseph Lampel guide you on an enlightening and entertaining excursion through the field of strategy making. 文章是由曾在或正在编辑部工作的同事们提供的,他们从个人角度讲述的故事,涉及周刊从创刊至今各个时期的生存状态,酸甜苦辣,五味杂陈。
- Develop new product/technology development strategy, make short-term and mid-term new segment technology development plans. 开发新产品或技术发展策略,为新的技术部分制订短期、中期发展计划。
- The construction of the socialist harmonious society and the view of scientific development is the directive ideology for harmonious development strategy making for librarianship. 科学发展观与构建和谐社会理念是制定我国图书馆事业和谐发展战略的基本指导思想。
- At this paper I have analysed in depth and study strategy and culture of Mingzhu Company according to the strategic model based on corporate culture , and given advise for Strategy making and cultural construction for Mingzhu Company. 本文按照基于企业文化的战略模型理论,对明珠公司的战略和文化进行了深入分析和研究,为明珠公司的战略制定和文化建设提出了建议。
- Take charge of the output management to other hotels. Attend to the whole procedure from project designing, strategy making to function layout and construction schedule with serous working spirit. 管理输出的其他酒店项目,以高度负责的态度进行从项目策划,方案设计,功能布局到施工进度监督的各项程序.
- In vivo or in vitro assays for testing antimalarial drug sensitivity have become indispensable tools for surveillance on drug resistance and strategy making for prevention and control of mala... 该文对近年来抗疟药物敏感性检测方法进行了综述。
- Has a change in business strategy made your brand dated or out-of-step with your new customers? 经营策略的转变是否使您的品牌过时或脱离了新客户?
- But this strategy makes it much more difficult to design parts that are truly interchangeable and can be rearranged. 但这种策略却使得要设计出确实可互换、重排的组件更加困难。
- This strategy makes the whole potential field simpler and helps avoiding some local minima. 此方法减小了整个势能场的复杂度,降低了局部极小值产生的可能。
- Then R&D strategy makes the arrangements of organizing and administrating for the projects. 并且,对公司项目开发的组织和管理做出了安排。
- These strategies make the compromised host a better platform for launching further Welchia attacks. 这些策略让遭侵入的主机成为更好的平台,假好心就可进行下一波的攻击。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Their scale and the dizzying variety and opacity of their strategies make regulators worry that, should a hedge fund implode, it could damage the whole financial system. 它们的规模和令人眼花缭乱的、隐秘的投资策略使得监管者非常恐惧:如果避险基金继续膨胀,它可能会损害整个的金融系统。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Making a petit point pillow is exacting work. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- I see in him the making of a hero. 我看他有英雄的气质。
- The execution of company's talent's strategy makes the easy swallow's company get a group of outstanding specializing in the designer, professional marketing team and qualified industrial worker even more. 公司人才战略的执行更使得舒燕公司获得一批优秀的专业开发设计人员、专业营销队伍及合格的产业工人。
- Too much wining and dining is making him fat. 他酒宴过多而身体发胖。
- We are making a few alterations to the house. 我们对房子进行了一些改建。