- Bar: straight length with variety of sections, such as rectangular, round, square, hexagonal. 棒材--直长条,有各种横断面,如矩形、圆形、方形、六角形等。
- Approaches to Literal Straight Length in Average Position 一般位置直线求实长的几种方法
- One complete length of a straight course, as of a swimming pool. 直线的路径一段完整的直线距离,如游泳池
- Keep straight on until you get to the church. 一直朝前走就走到教堂了。
- It's three blocks straight ahead. 一直往前走过三个街区就是。
- She gave it to me straight from the shoulder. 她坦诚地批评我。
- Lisa said my name wrongly so I set her straight. 莉莎把我的名字说错了,我便加以纠正。
- My walking stick is the same length as yours. 我的拐杖和你拐杖长度一样。
- I just want a straight answer to the question. 我只需要得到对这个问题的明确答案。
- Go straight on until you come to a bus stop. 你一直往前走,直到公共汽车站为止。
- This car will turn in its own length. 这种汽车可以在自身长度范围内掉头。
- I arrived at that city at length. 我最终到达了那个城市。
- She has straight, not curly hair. 她的头发很直,不弯曲。
- The liner flew straight to Nanjing. 客机直达南京。
- He drew a straight line on the paper. 他在纸上画了一条直线。
- This river is ten times the length of that River. 这条河的长度是那条河的十倍。
- Come straight away after school. 放学后直接回家。
- She paced out the length of the room. 她用步子测量了房间的长度。
- The speaker came to the point straight away. 讲演者直述要点。
- He fished a length of string out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一条绳子。