- If you feel that you're right, stick to your guns. 如果你认为自己是对的,那就要坚持下去。
- I'm proud of you for sticking to your guns. 我对你的坚持立场感到骄傲。
- You stuck to your guns and everything panned out. 只要坚定不移,诸事都会成功。
- Set your goals and stick to your guns. 射手座:确立目标,坚持己见。
- You must stand to your resolution. 你一定要坚守你的决心。
- stood to your guns v. 坚守阵地(坚持自己的意见)
- stand to your guns vi. 坚守阵地(坚持自己的意见)
- If you stand to your principles,everyone will have the greatest esteem for you. 如果你坚持原则,人人都会非常尊敬你。
- You must stand to your promise. 你必须遵守诺言。
- When the commander orders" Take aim", raise your gun to your shoulder and sight along the barrel at the target. 当指挥官下“瞄准”的命令时,把你的枪举到肩部并沿着枪管向目标对准。
- How much do they stand to lose by this merger? 这次合并,他们要遭受多大损失?
- When the commander orders "Take aim",raise your gun to your shoulder and sight along the barrel at the target. 当指挥官下“瞄准”的命令时,把你的枪举到肩部并沿着枪管向目标对准。
- When the commander orders "Take aim", raise your gun to your shoulder and sight along the barrel at the target. 当指挥官下“瞄准”的命令时,把你的枪举到肩部并沿着枪管向目标对准。
- Please stand to one side, you're casting your shadow over his work. 请站到一边,你的影子计划遮住了他的活儿。
- Pumpkin, I hear some students at your school are fooling of drugs, I hope , young woman, that you stick to your guns and keep saying no. 这位爸爸说:"小鬼,我听说你们学校的学生里有吸毒的现象。我希望你坚持正道,坚决抵制这种恶习!"
- Now, men, zero in your guns at that ship. 喂,伙计们,把炮口对准那艘船。
- She couldn't stand to be told what to do. 她不容别人指使她。
- If you stand to your principles, everyone will have the greatest esteem for you. 如果你坚持原则,人人都会非常尊敬你。
- Stick firmly to your guns. 坚持自己的主张,不要让步。
- A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech. 几句笑话会给你的演说添些生气。