- It's only people of small moral stature who have to stand on their dignity. 只有褊狭小人才非计较体面不可。
- The bicycles stand on their kickstand. 大家撑起自行车脚踢子,停在那儿。
- stood on their dignity v. 认为自己应受到应有的礼遇
- Ever since then the Chinese people have stood on their feet. 我们中国人从此站立起来了。
- stand on their dignity vt. 认为自己应受到应有的礼遇(保持尊严)
- This expressed their determination to stand on their own feet. 这表达了他们自立更生的决心。
- People came out and stood on their doorsteps for a breath of air. 居民中,有好些都走到自己的大门外去寻找新鲜的空气。
- They wouldn't have learned how to stand on their own. 他们不能知道怎样自己去承担。
- They had brought up their sons to stand on their own feet. 他们培养儿子生活自立。
- What deference people in authority do command is based on their actual powers rather than on their age,wisdom,or their dignity. 那些当权的人们在下命令的时候的不同根据的是他们真正拥有多少权利而不是年龄,智慧,或者尊严。
- However, Israel did not burn any cities that stood on their mounds, except Hazor alone, which Joshua burned. 至于造在山岗上的城、除了夏琐以外、以色列人都没有焚烧.约书亚只将夏琐焚烧了。
- They doubled themselves up and stand on their hands and feet, to make the arches. 他们一个个都弯下腰,手脚着地,做成拱门的形状。
- Pedro Dominguez and his wife, Gina, stand on their front porch in Hackensack, N.J. 哈肯萨克市的居民站在房前的走廊上观察外面的情况。
- CBS and ABC are also reporting the news, standing on their own reporting now. CBS和ABC同样也站在他们自己的观点播报了新闻。
- He is a man of small moral stature who always tries to stand on his dignity. 他是个偏狭小人,老是计较体面。
- They picked up the yacht on their radar screen. 他们在雷达屏上看到了那艘游艇。
- Some husbands still think it beneath their dignity to do the shopping. 有些做丈夫的至今仍然认为让他们去买东西是件丢面子的事。
- Now I begin to see light on their good intentions. 现在我对他们的良好动机开始有所领会了。
- Children's bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents. 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉。
- Some husband still think it beneath their dignity to do the shopping. 有些做丈夫的至今仍然认为让他们去买东西是件丢面子的事。