- I expected that she should stand my friend in these altercations. 我认为在这场斗争中她应该坚决站在我一边。
- stood my shot v. 付清费用(付帐)
- I finally get my shot, and I blow it! 好不容易得到机会,我却把它搞砸了。
- stand my shot vt. 付清费用(付帐)
- Mike: I've got to take my shot at Lydia. 迈克:埃迪,我想去请莉迪亚好吗?
- I can just reach the top shelf if I stand my toes. 如果我踮起脚尖的话;我刚刚能够着顶层的架子.
- But Ill stand my ground and I wont back down. 但我会坚守我的阵地,我不会退缩。
- I blew my shot to be in the movie when I forgot my lines. 我在电影了忘了台词,彻底搞砸了。
- She can't stand my messing up the house. 她不能容忍我把房间弄得乱七八糟。
- I can't stand my inconsiderate attitude! 我不能忍受我冷漠的态度!
- I can't stand my impetuous individuality! 我不能忍受我浮躁的个性!
- I can't stand my deficient actions! 我不能忍受我匮乏的行动!
- He can't stand my idea about sunglass. 他不能容忍我对于太阳镜的看法。
- Y'know, I've done nothing but crappy plays for six years. And I finally get my shot, and I blow it! 六年来我除了演些烂角色一事无成,如今机会来了我竟将它搞砸!
- I expected that she should stand my friend in these altercations . 我认为在这场斗争中她应该坚决站在我一边。
- I had hit the post, the ball had come back to me, I tried once again to score and the keeper parried my shot. 那个球踢在门柱上,然后反弹回来,我再补了一脚,对方守门员扑了一下。
- "Now is the time to prepare myself for firing my guns." I set more convenient behind the aiming point and started to choose my shot target. “好吧,现在轮到我准备射的时候了。”我在飞到了更容易射得瞄准点之后并开始选择我的靶子。
- I had agreed with Seedorf to play the ball quickly and so that was a tactic we had prepared. Thankfully I was able to lift my shot over Oliver Kahn! “我和西多夫赛前都认为我们要加快传球的节奏,那是我们钟爱的战术。谢天谢地,我的射门越过了卡恩。”
- The pain was instant and even though I managed to get my shot away, I knew the game was over for me and so was all hope of playing against Croatia. 疼痛一下子就来了,虽然我努力把球射了出去,但我知道比赛对我来说结束了,我参加对克罗地亚比赛的一切希望也结束了。
- I then climbed a tree with a branch extending out over the water and got my shot, which may have been my last as I almost fell off after taking it. 于是我就爬上一颗有根树枝伸展到河面的树上拍了这张照片,这可能是我最后一次这样做,因为拍完后我差点从树上掉下去。