- stood in their own light v. 背光(损害自己的利益)
- stand in their own light vi. 背光(损害自己的利益)
- Representatives of each race stood in their appropriate places and spoke to their own guardianship on behalf of their people. 而各种族的代表站在所属的位置以代表人民守护的身分发言。
- Thank you for your life in their own light, to illuminate the journey of our life, so that sweat and tears, blinking in the dazzling brilliance of sparkling. 感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我们人生的旅途,让汗水和泪水,都在耀眼的闪烁中熠熠辉煌。
- By getting up too late in the morning you stand in your own light. 早晨起床晚会对你有害。
- Duke and Duchess of Gloucester live in their own dukedom. 格洛思特公爵及公爵夫人住在他们自己的公国里。
- Some children must be restrained in their own interests. 有些孩子必须约束一下,这对他们有好处。
- Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas. 分支机构的经理在其管辖范围内有充分的自主权。
- Let them live who choose in their own hissing world of fireworks. 让那些选择了他们自己的焰火咝咝的世界的,就生活在那里吧。
- Most Americans go to their work in their own cars. 大部分美国人都开自己的车去上班。
- Stars give off their own light, and planets only reflect sunlight. 恒星自己发光,而行星只能反射太阳光。
- They wanted more power,and the Medicis stood in their way. 他们想要更多的权利,并且梅地奇家族站在他们的一边。
- People should learn to write in their own words. 应该学会用自己的话来写文章。
- The children are absorbed in their own antagonisms. 孩子们的注意力都完全集中在彼此的争吵上了。
- Almost fly, over anybody who dares to stand in their way. 几乎要飞越任何胆敢挡他们路的人。
- Men are Blind in their own muse. 一意孤行的人是盲目的(当局者迷)。
- Scott and Kara are standing in their new store. 史考特和卡拉正站在新店里。
- You're standing in your own light,move to the other side of the table. 你挡亮光了,到桌子的那头去。
- They were all mired in their own dung. 他们陷在自己拉的屎中不能自拔,他们都是喜欢不厌其烦地絮絮叨叨的人。
- Old people prefer to stay in their own homes. 老年人喜欢呆在自己家中。