- The top of the table was formed by a stone slab. 桌面是一块石板。
- stone slab facing 石板贴面
- Ruz saw a large, flat stone slab on floor of the temple. 鲁茨看到有一块又大又平的石板在神殿的地板上。
- They managed to lever up the stone slab and look underneath. 他们设法撬起石板朝下面看。
- The child levered up the stone slab,but found nothing. 小孩撬起了石板,但什么也没有发现。
- He had noticed, at the top of the Pyramid of the Inscriptions, a stone slab with holes in it. 他注意到在铭文金字塔顶部有一块带孔的石板。
- The ill feeling of bitterness persists in the heart of a person devoid of forgiveness like non-washable marks carved on a stone slab. 一个全无宽恕之心的人心中痛苦固执的恶念就会像一个雕刻在石板之上不可洗刷的印记。
- The road was paved with smooth stone slabs. 道路用平整的石板铺成。
- They went down the steps into a cellar, and the giant pointed to a stone slab on the ground. "Raise that! 来到地下室,巨人指着地上的一块石板:“搬起来!
- The patio was made of stone slabs. 这天井是用石板铺砌而成的。
- The patio was made of stone slabs . 这天井是用石板铺砌而成的。
- Wutai Township is famous for its stone slab houses built entirely of locally available material. 雾台乡以就地取材的石板屋著名。
- Down a few stairs was a huge stone slab carved with mysterious designs and hieroglyphics. 往下走几级梯子,有一块巨大的石板,上面刻着神秘的图案和象形文字。
- Some ornamental stone slab engraved in the screen windows, the blinds or cotton can be room for variation margin. 在窗户上挂一些装饰性的帘子,或是棉质的百叶窗,就能给房间勾出边来。
- Inscribed stone slab, now in the British Museum, that provided an important key to the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs. 刻有铭文的石碑,现被保存于大英博物馆,为解读埃及的象形文字提供了重要线索。
- Little had been left beside the framework of the house; but in one corner there was a stone slab laid down by way of hearth, and an old rusty iron basket to contain the fire. 除了屋架外,这木屋里几乎空空如也,只有一个角落里有块摆成火炉炉膛样子的石板,还有一只锈迹斑斑的旧铁篓,是用来装炭火的。
- A slab of stone laid flat over a grave. 平放在墓上的纪念碑石
- He's frozen onto a stone slab. 他被冻在一块石板上。
- But there's one thing researchers are sure of: The insect, ear of corn, inverted fish and other symbols inscribed on an ancient stone slab is the earliest known writing in the Western Hemisphere . 但有一件事研究员是肯定的:昆虫、米穗、置的鱼、其他符号被题写在一块古老的平石板上,是西半球已知的最早的文字。
- The straight bridge consists of just one stone slab without any decoration, and is usually level with the riverbank or with the river to make the visitors feel as if they are surrounded by water. 直桥其实是一块不加装饰的石板,通常与河岸或河水齐高,给人一种临水的感觉。