- This year is the 20th anniversary of China' s reform and opening-up. 今年是中国实行改革开放二十周年。
- There is controversy over the effectiveness of those stock equity transfer contract which lack other shareholders' waiving of preemption. 摘要未经股东放弃优先购买权的股权转让合同效力问题至今尚无定论。
- If the investor can exert significant influence over the investee, they should employ the cost method to account for the Long Term Stock Equity Investment. 投资企业能够对被投资单位实施控制的长期股权投资,采用成本法核算。
- Miss Wang: They include:Alteration of shareholders, transfer of stock equity, registered capital, domicile, business scope, enterprise type, operation period, etc. 王小姐:包括变更股东、股权转让、注册资本、住所、经营范围、企业类型和营业期限等。
- Sixthly, it contributes to the great victory and achievement of China’s reform and modern socialist construction. 六、它使中国的改革和社会主义现代化建设取得了伟大胜利和巨大成果。
- The withdrawal of stock equity of debt-to-equity swap benefitto resume connatural financial resource allocationfunction of market mechanism, basedon the viewpoint of market operation. 建立债转股股权退出机制,有利于在国有经济领域内恢复市场机制本身固有的金融资源配置功能,且股权的退出应该基于商业化市场运作观点。
- The third part: Khrushchev"s reform and adjustment did not shake the base of governance style. 第三部分:赫鲁晓夫和勃列日涅夫的改革与调整并未触及高度集权的执政方式的根基。
- How ever, it shows more and more sharp management system defects in the course of CRCC"s reform and development.It becomes focus form people"s concern. 但近年来,农村信用社在改革发展中所显现出来的管理体制缺陷越来越突出,管理体制缺陷已成为金融界关注的焦点。
- Rencently, the New Public Management (NPM) started from the developed conutries has becomed the trend of government’s reform all around the world. 近年来,源于发达国家的“新公共管理”已经成为全世界范围政府改革的趋势。
- For the sake of standing out the focal points, we only analyse the aspect of these problems which interrelating The State Enterprise"s Reform. 为保证重点突出,我们对这些难点问题的分析也仅仅限于其与国有企业改革密切相关的方面。
- rate of return on common stock equity 普通股收益报酬率
- State-owed economy withdraws from the general competition industries step by step since China"s reform and opening to the world. 改革开放以来,国有经济逐步从一般竞争性行业退出,民营经济逐步成为中国国民经济的重要基础和组成部分。
- Reflections on AMC Stock Equity Withdrawal AMC股权退出的思考
- the configuration of binary stock equity 股权二元结构
- Virtually the essential of the SOE's reform is that under all property being owned by public, how to endogenesis the property right basing nature person. 摘要在一切公有的传统经济体制下,如何内生出以自然人为基础的产权主体,实际上就是国企产权改革的实质。
- The problems of agriculture, countryside and peasantry are important ones influencing the overall situation of China"s reform, opening and modernization. 农业、农村和农民问题是关系我国改革开放和现代化建设全局的重大问题。
- Analysis on the Causes for Low Return of Stock Equity Refinancing 股权再融资低回报成因探析
- The corporate reconstruction of state-owned enterprises is one of the important aspects of SOE's reform, as well as necessary requirement for the strategic adjustment of state economy. 国有企业的公司化改造是国企改革的重要方面,是国有经济战略性调整的必然要求,有利于转变经营机制,实现政企分开,形成有效制衡的公司法人治理结构,提高经营管理水平。