- Technical scheme, design, construction and application of steel pipe soil nail combining rabbling pile in a foundation ditch support in Shenzhen. 摘要介绍了深圳某基坑支护工程钢管土钉与搅拌桩组合支护技术方案、设计、施工及应用情况。
- steel pipe soil nailing 钢管土钉
- The Application of Composite Soil Nailing Wall with Micro-Pile of Steel Pipe in a Foundation Pit in Beijing 钢管小桩复合土钉墙在北京某基坑工程中的应用
- anchor pipe soil nailing 锚管土钉
- Suitable for steel pipe wiring and cable wiring. 钢管或电缆布线均可。
- Sunlight strikes the mirrors and then a steel pipe. 阳光照射镜面;接着照射到钢管上.
- Suitable for steel pipe and cable siring. 钢管或电缆布线均可.
- Huge force broke the steel pipe. 巨大的作用力使这条钢筋断裂。
- The paper introduces the successful applications of jet-grouting pile of small angle,jet grouting pile with steel and compound soil nailing wall in the complicated deep pit. 通过对青岛某大厦基坑工程设计和施工实例分析,介绍了小角度旋喷桩、加筋旋喷桩、和复合土钉墙三种支护技术在复杂深基坑中的成功应用。
- The Manual for Design and Construction Monitoring of Soil Nail Walls? 我有土钉墙设计施工与监测手册一书的英文原版?
- Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-on collar wi. 凹凸面平焊环松套板式钢制管法兰。
- The colour sand was leaking from a tiny hole of a steel pipe. 粉末就是从钢锥的末端漏出。
- Soil nailing is a technique of insitu ground reinforcement which is widely used in excavation and a permanent slope. 摘要土钉支护是一种原位土体加固技术,因其造价低、工期短,在基坑工程和边坡支护中得到广泛应用。
- The establishment of high precise HFW steel pipe mill was proposed. 本文是作者建议建设一套高精度 HFW钢管机组的研究成果。
- Yang Bin.The Applications of FLAC in Deformation Analysis on Compound Soil Nailing Support[J]. FLAC在复合土钉支护变形分析中的应用[J].;建筑科学
- Third, stainless steel pipe and copper pipe welding using welding. 三是,不锈钢管和铜管的焊接采用导管焊接。
- Chen Zhaoyuan.The technology of soil nailing support.Bejing:Tinghua University ,1996. [1]陈肇元.;土钉支护技术[M]
- We could provide FEB、PE、PP coating about steel pipe. 可为客户提供管材环氧粉末(FEB)、聚乙烯(PE)及聚丙烯(PP)防腐。
- Through the project example, the characteristic of the soil nailing &shotcreting technologies was introduced. 摘要阐述土钉墙喷锚支护技术的特点和施工工艺。