- Bill got the job by getting up earlier than Mike. Bill stole a march on Mike. 比尔比迈克起得早些,所以得到了那份工作。比尔抢先了一步。
- It was unexpected that you stole a march on me. 没料到你抢在了我的前面。
- steal a march on sb. v. 抢在某人前面
- steal a march on sb (偷偷地)抢在某人之前
- The company is looking at ways to steal a march on its European competitors. 公司正在考虑采取什么办法在与欧洲同行的竞争中抢得先机。
- The army stole a march on the enemy by marching at night and attacking them in the morning. 军队夜晚行军,抢在了敌人的前面,并在早晨向他们发起进攻。
- Steal [get] a march on sb. 抢先一步,巧妙地先发制人
- Bill got full marks this time and he stole a march on Tom. 比尔这次考了满分,压过了汤姆。
- The truth is, you're pissed off because we stole a march on you. 事实真相是:因为我们一声不响地抢在了你们的前面,所以,你们恼羞成怒了。
- Our competitiors will always be able to steal a march on us when bidding for contracts unless we can cut our production costs and improve delivery times. 我们的对手在与我们竞争订货合同时,总是抢先一步,胜过我们,除非我们能降低生产成本,加快交货速度。
- Many manufacturers secretly question whether advertising really sells their product, but are vaguely afraid that their competitors might steal a march on them if they stopped. 一些企业总是秘而不宣地问,广告是否真能促进销售,但又隐隐担心,一旦他们停止做广告,竞争对手就会发起偷袭。
- By advertising our sale a week ahead of the other firm, we stole a march on them. 由于我们比另一公司提前一星期做了销售广告, 我们占了优势。
- Our army stole a march on the enemy and reached the crossroads an hour ahead of them. 我军偷偷地抢在敌军前面行动,比他们早一小时到达十字路口。
- she will steal a march on us and upset our apple-cart. ? 她会抢先于我们,破坏我们的计划。
- She stole a march on me. 她偷偷抢先占了我的便宜。
- The USA claimed it would steal a march to attach the would-be enemies. 美国声称将先发制人,以便对付潜在的敌人。
- Happening awake earlier than usual,he got a march on the doctor and walked out. 碰巧他比平时醒得早,于是就悄悄地抢在医生之前走了出去。
- How do you steal a kiss from a girl like that? 你怎么赢得像那样了不起的女孩的吻的?
- Confer a rank,an office or power on sb. 授予某人官阶、职位或权力。
- steal a march on vt. 抢在之前(胜过)