- Love is in heart? In one, s heart or wo two? 爱在心里?一个人的心里还是两个人?
- Will the Cavaliers be able to steal one at TD Banknorth Garden? 骑士能在北岸花园球场(剩下的两场比赛)获得一场胜利么?
- The boy 's heart fluttered with excitement. 男孩激动得心脏乱跳。
- The sick man 's heart was failing. 病人的心脏渐渐衰弱。
- The hunter lodged a bullet in the lion 's heart. 猎人将子弹打入狮子的心脏。
- Blenkin’s heart sank as he read the message. 布兰金读过信,心沉了下去。
- The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom. 母亲的心肠是孩子的课堂。
- Instead, this goat only cried out. The shepherds came, and captured Mittavinda for trying to steal one of the king's goats. 事实并非如此,那只山羊只是大叫。那些牧羊人闻声赶来,以为他在偷国王的山羊,就把他抓起来了。
- Ticker is slang for one"s heart because your heartbeats similar to the way in which a clock ticks. 对,心脏是像钟表那样滴滴答答地跳动。
- Way to hang tough Yao.The Rox stole one in LA. 姚明,你正走在成为恶棍的路上。
- His car was stolen one week ago. 一个星期前他的汽车被盗.
- It is born within every person, S heart, but has to be cultivated. 它生成于每个人的心中,但需要培养。
- That dark, tender huntress, so full of fire and yearning, had the queerest power of symbolising all longing, and moving one' s heart. 这个发肤黝深的女猎手,情如火燎,实是世间一切渴求的最奇妙不过的象征,而且实在动人。
- This bike exactly answers to the description of the stolen one. 这辆单车与所描述的被偷走的那辆完全相符。
- And what is more priestly than to promise the Lord a pure conscience and to offer him in love unblemished victims on the altar of one’s heart? 他从一切神恩之泉本身接受了如此丰富的恩宠:他独自接受了这样多神恩,而使任何人只能经他的手才能分享。
- I stole one of her lobster claws after I'd eaten my own. 在我吃完自己那份以后,我还偷拿了她的一只龙虾钳子。
- After two sleepless nights of hard work, my brother’s heart trouble flared up. 在努力工作了两个不眠之夜后,我哥哥的心脏病突然发作了。
- Why are you ashamed that the intimacy of MJ's heart was made public? 你为什么要因为迈的内心的私密被公之于众而觉得难为情?
- It taught me how to put Shepherding a Child’s Heart ideas into practice. 我们的家有一百八十度的转变。
- She stole one more glimpse of herself in the mirror, her heart fluttering like hummingbird wings in the cave of her chest, and walked to the door. 她偷偷瞟了几眼镜中的自己,她的心剧烈地跳动着,如同蜂鸟的羽翼在胸腔中颤动不停,她向门口走去。