- Sport and recreation have always been part of university life. 运动和娱乐活动一直是大学生活的一部分。
- He is a member of the Association of University Teachers. 他是大学教师联合会的一名成员。
- He failed his exams and was chucked out of university. 他考试不及格,被大学开除。
- Under the statutes of the university they had no power to dismiss him. 按大学的规章制度,校方无权开除他。
- This type of university course is no longer relevant to today's problems. 这类大学课程对当今的问题而言已没有实际价值。
- He was the fine flower of university training. 他是大学教育灿烂的结晶。
- He fail his exam and is chuck out of university. 他考试不及格,被大学开除。
- I will live in dormitory of university. (寄宿家庭,或学校的宿舍。)
- What is the ideal profile of university? 大学究竟应是怎样的呢?
- statutes of university 大学章程
- Is conservation a necessary aspect of university? 大学有保守的一面吗?
- The standard of university education is very high. 大学教育的标准是非常高的。
- The statutes of the School of Nisibis, which have been preserved, later became the model upon which the first Italian university was based. 尼斯比学院的校规被保存了下来,后来成为现代第一所意大利大学的范本。
- I pray in aid the statute of fraud. 我求助于(防止)诈欺法的帮忙。
- She is a psychology graduate of University of Pennsylvania. 她是宾州大学心理系毕业生。
- The Academic Council has passed a statute of marking system. 教务会议已经通过了一项记分制度章程。
- Golden Bull of 1222 and Magna Carta of 1215 are the typical statutes of limitation of Kingship in the Middle Ages. 甑摹督痃糈?椤泛
- My parents disapprove of my choice of universities. 我双亲不赞成我对大学的选择。
- Junior year: President of University Graduate Student Council. 三年级:校研究生会会长。
- The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. 耶和华的训词正直,能快活人心。耶和华的命令清洁,能明亮人的眼目。