- station work content 站工作含量
- Price system introduction post and work content into enterprise interior market by price form. 价格体系将岗位和工作内容以价格的形式引入企业内部市场。
- This web site provides information about company introdution including work content, work range, and meetings, relevant publications, newsletter, etc. 本网站提供了公司介绍,如工作内容、范围,以及会议、相关出版物、时事通讯等信息。
- If because of the work content, the copyright and other questions needs with this net relation, please to carry on 30th. 如因作品内容、版权和其它问题需要同本网联系的,请在30日内进行。
- English resume work content: Responsibly the level city Haire entire series product sale supervisory work, the plan, controls and develops this local the sales network. 工作内容:负责地级市的海尔全系列产品的销售管理工作,规划、控制和开发该地区的销售网络。
- The shunting of the station works, by station dispatcher (did not set dispatcher, by station attendant) unified leader. 车站的调车工作,由车站调度员(未设调度员的,由车站值班员)统一领导。
- A roundabout will be provided adjacent to the station as part of the Kam Tin Station works. 在邻近锦田车站的地方会建造一个迴旋处,作为锦田车站工程的一部分。
- Knew working content and cause only, ability have a definite object in view begins the work, do not make extemporaneous fight. 只有了解了工作内容和目标,才能有的放矢开展工作,不打无预备之战。
- Be in fast inter, slow to avoid fast freight to appear bicephalous phenomenon, should optimize goods station working group to knit. 为避免快速货运出现快在中间、慢在两头的现象,应优化货运站工作组织。
- Report to the SAM once a week regarding the work contents and trouble, work plan for next week. 每周向销售经理汇报一周有关方面的工作内容和所遇到的问题及下周的工作重点。
- For the sake of work scope and work contents of norm painting set, again remind each item engineer. 为了规范绘图组的工作范围和工作内容,再次提醒各位项目工程师。
- I work for a commercial radio station. 我在商业广播电台工作。
- How jackaroo how to write, include time, place, working content, impressional result and experience are waited a moment! 怎么实习的就怎么写,包括时间,地点,工作内容,感想心得与体会等等!
- Attended the meeting and the publicity work contents of the meeting of the representatives to attend the meeting. 出席全国对外宣传工作会议、全国文明办主任会议的代表列席了会议。
- How jackaroo how to write, include time, place, working content, impressional result and experience are waited a moment! Zhu Shunli! 怎么实习的就怎么写,包括时间,地点,工作内容,感想心得与体会等等!祝顺利!
- His clinic is near the newly-built railway station. 他的诊所在新建的火车站附近。
- An auditing department in a group is corresponding to the function and the internal and external environment of the group both in its function orientation and work contents. 一个集团的审计部门,其定位和工作内容是与其所处的集团的职责功能和内外部环境相对应的。
- He went to the station to ask about the trains. 他到火车站却了解火车情况。
- He was walking up and down the station platform. 他在火车站的月台上走来走去。
- If time of usage of the member‘s not yet finished marking with sign signature, so this work contents will not include in this member the work the contents covariance the watch. 如果该成员未完成标志使用时间和署名,那么这个工作内容不会包括在这个成员工作内容统计表里。