- The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy. 纳粹主义纳粹党的意识和实施,尤其是种族国家主义,国家扩张,政府控制经济的政策
- State controlled socialism is communism. 受约束的国家社会主义叫共产主义。
- State control has other pernicious effects. 国家管理还有另一个坏处。
- This provides legiti-macy for state control. 这种公共性为政府的管制奠定了合法性的基础。
- Private sector: the part of the national economy not under direct state control. 似乎译为私营经济更好。
- State Socialism advocates state control of industry. 国家社会主义主张工业应由国家管理.
- But the prices of some key commodities having a close bearing on the national economy and the people's livelihood remain under state control. 但是,一部分关系国计民生的重要商品价格仍由国家来决定。
- The ideology and practice of the Nazis,especially the policy of racist nationalism,national expansion,and state control of the economy. 纳粹主义纳粹党的意识和实施,尤其是种族国家主义,国家扩张,政府控制经济的政策
- Their mistake lies in clinging to an old-fashioned socialism, involving the centralisation of political power and state control of the economy. 他们的错误在于坚持一种过时的社会主义,包括政治上的中央集权和经济上的国家控制。
- True blues like my grandfather won't tolerate any sort of state control. 像我祖父这类反对变革的人物不会容忍任何形式的国家控制。
- Capitalism An economic system that encourages private investment and business, rather than a government controlled economy. 资本主义鼓励私人投资及业务,而不是由政府控制经济的经济体系。
- Will it go the way of Cuba, which has exhibited anemic industrial capacity and recently took steps to open up parts of its controlled economy? 它会走上古巴之路吗?后者工业长期积弱,并不得不于最近开放部分管治下的经济。
- Across South America, governments chose state control as the way to modernize. 南非政府选择国家控制作为实现现代化的方式。
- Governments should be tactful in how to regulate and control economy under marketconditions with the view to keep sustained,steady and coordinated development. 政府必须尽快熟悉如何在市场经济条件下调控经济,以保持经济的持续、稳定、协调发展。
- Litigation cost system reflect the litigation philosophy,economic development level , the ability to control economy life and the function and position of justice of a country . 诉讼费用制度是一国诉讼理念、经济发展水平、国家对社会经济生活控制能力以及司法功能和地位的反映。
- Unlike Maoism, neo-Leninism blends one-party rule and state control of key sectors of the economy with partial market reforms and an end to self-imposed isolation from the world economy. 与毛主义不同的是,新列宁主义混合着一党专政和国家控制主要的经济部门,同时实行部分市场改革和结束与世界的自我封闭。
- As it has phased out state control of its economy, China has dismantled much of its health-care and social-welfare system and laid off millions of workers from state-run companies. 成百上千万工人从国有企业下岗,原有的社会保障和医疗保健体系面临解体。
- State controls have often been imposed sporadically in the past to damp prices. 国家对价格实施控制以平抑物价以往只是零星现象。
- State controlled capitalism is Fascism and isn't China capitalist with stock markets and banks? 受约束的国家资本主义是法西斯。中国的资本家没有股票市场和银行吗?
- During 1997,501 port state control inspections were conducted on foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九七年内,海事处对抵港的外来商船所进行的港口国监督检查,共达501次。