- a state with a thousand chariots 千乘之国
- It won't do to hedge your pupils in with a thousand dos and don'ts. 用无数清规戒律去束缚学生是不行的。
- It was like a star with a thousand rays. 它好比一颗巨星辐射出万道金光。
- At one glance I love you With a thousand hearts. 看第一眼我就用一千颗心爱上了你。
- Fangir works the earth with a thousand mallets. 凡基尔用槌棒塑造着土地。
- They hedged themselves about with a thousand dos and don'ts. 他们用无数清规戒律来束缚自己的手脚。
- Robert was inevitably endowed with a thousand pounds a year. 罗伯特每年必然要被赠予一千镑。
- He could not work; his mind was eager with a thousand thoughts. 他再也画不下去了,而脑子里却激荡着千百种念头。
- It is a hydra-headed tree of unreason with a thousand roots. 他是枝繁叶茂的无理性之蛇发妖树。
- Only Rhode Island, a tiny state with a large Catholic population, shows no sign of permitting it. 只有小小的拥有大量天主教人口的罗德岛州尚未表现出任何批准的迹象。
- The page context allows you to associate state with a particular instance of a rendered page. 页面上下文能够让你将状态和一个已被绘制的页面中特定的实例相关联。
- It won't do to fence your pupils around with a thousand dos and don'ts. 用无数清规戒律去束缚学生是不行的。
- As the chief executive of a state with a long and porous border with Mexico, she has a feel for well-policed frontiers. 作为一个与墨西哥有着又长又多孔的边境接壤的州的执行长官,她对于边境问题有着一份良好的直觉。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- The United Kingdom is said to have a unitary state with a devolved system of government. 英国政府对英格兰的态度是允许英格兰建立民选的政府,但没有立法权。
- Marshall returned to the United States with a bold new idea. 马歇尔带著大胆的新计画回到美国。
- A busy man is plagued with one desire, but an idle one with a thousand. 忙人的愿望只一个,懒人的借口上千条。
- He led in 27 states with a total of 300 electoral votes. 他在27个州里领先,总共得到300张选举团选票。
- Skt.Avalokitesvara with a Thousand Arms is also known as the Goddess of Mercy. 千手观音,又叫大悲观音。
- She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth. 她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶。