- start against sb. v. 参加对某人的比赛
- start against sb 参加对某人的比赛, 参加对某人的竞争
- Take judicial proceedings against sb. 提出诉讼控告某人
- Bring a slander action against sb. 以诽谤罪控告某人。
- Frame-up; frame a case against sb. 捏造罪状以陷害他人。
- Lay a charge of sth. against sb. 指控某人犯。。。罪
- Bring judicial proceedings against sb. 提出诉讼控告某人
- It was his first start against his former teammates. 这是他首次和他的先前的队友竞争。
- The White Company started against the Black Company. 怀特公司开始同布莱克公司竞争。
- Who's appearing for the Crown(= bringing a criminal charge against sb on behalf of the state)in this case? 谁将在此案中代表王国政府出庭?
- Bring a suit against sb; file a complaint against sb; sue; charge; accuse; indict; Bring in an indictment against sb. 控告
- Mussina, in his previous start against the Red Sox, had four walks in five innings. 穆帅上一场对上红袜五局内保送了四名打者。
- Baltimore presents a tough challenge in left-hander Erik Bedard, who logged one of his 12 victories this season in his only start against New York. 金莺队将推出他们的王牌投手艾利克.;拜德达尔特,他本季12胜中有一胜就是从洋基的手中赢得的。
- That made Tuesday's start against the Toronto Blue Jays at Legends Field an important one for Wang. 而周二这场在传奇球场对上多伦多蓝鸟的比赛对小王来说就很重要了。
- start proceedings (against sb) for divorce 提出(与某人)离婚的诉讼
- The knuckleballer took the loss in an April 28 start against the Yankees in Boston. 小王最近一次先发是对白袜双重赛的第二场,那场洋基以8比1取得胜利。
- Hopes are, however, fading that Martins will be fit to start against Tottenham at White Hart Lane on Sunday. 我们希望马丁斯将以良好状态在周日在白鹿迎战托特纳姆热刺队,尽管这个希望渺茫。
- Louis Saha, meanwhile, had been pencilled in to start against Portsmouth but was withdrawn with a knee injury. 与此同时,在迎战朴茨茅斯之前,被写进比赛名单的萨哈因为膝伤继续缺阵。
- In his last start against the Blue Jays, Pettitte came within one out of recording his fifth consecutive quality start. 上次先发对上蓝鸟队,派提特差一个人次就可以维持最近连续的优质先发。
- take (or start) legal proceedings against sb. 对某人提出诉讼